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Quartz | Level 8


I have recently completed the SAS9.4 M8 including VA,  installation and configuration in one of the environment.
Last week we have the problem with the Cache Locator in one of the Compute server. I checked about the .locator file , but its not there.
Because, earlier if we had the problem with the cache locator, used to delete the .locator file and restart the services.

But in SAS9.4 M8, I couldn't find the .locator file. I have checked the gemfire.log but there is no EROR.
Also, I tried to kill the pid's related to the cache locator and restarted the services. All the services are up but cache locator is not up.
Can anyone suggest me on this.

[info 2023/12/19 10:27:41.898 CET clr00002909-41415 <main> tid=0x1] Distribution Locator on clr00002909 is stopped
[info 2023/12/19 10:27:42.531 CET clr00002909-41415 <Shutdown member> tid=0x7b] DistributionManager stopped in 626ms.
[info 2024/01/16 08:47:19.671 CET clr00002909-41415 <main> tid=0x1] Distribution Locator on clr00002909 is stopped
[info 2024/01/16 08:47:19.672 CET clr00002909-41415 <org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalLocator$$Lambda$342/0x0000000100473840@4adc663e> tid=0xab] Distribution Locator on clr00002909 is stopped
[info 2024/01/16 08:47:23.301 CET clr00002909-41415 <Shutdown member> tid=0xa9] DistributionManager stopped in 3627ms.


Kind Regards,

Are there any other processes listening on the cache locator port (41415)? If so, can you kill that process and then try to start? Are you using the sas.servers script to start or If you aren't using to start, try this and see if it returns any errors to the terminal.
Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer

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