Dear All,
I am looking for your help on this task. I need to install SAS on new LPAR defined on Mainframes. SAS Software Depot has been transferred to my directory, available inside OMVS but I am not able to run the setup.exe/setup.rexx/ since esdclient is missing. I am not sure how to download the esdclient for zOS on this new LPAR (screen shot attached). I request all to look into this. Thanks.
Download esdclient__94480__mvs__xx__web__1.zos to your computer. Then transfer the downloaded file to the UNIX file system on z/OS via FTP. The file MUST be transferred in binary mode. More information here: README - SAS® Download Manager 1.82 for z/OS.
Dear Alexal,
Thank you for your reply. Actually the software order is already added to the OMVS hence the process you have mentioned is not required. If software depot is not added to mainframe I could run the *.zos using download manager.
The problem is while running the ./setup.rexx, I am getting the following error:--
ERROR: user xxxxxx has "/" as its home directory
I am still investigating to resolve this issue.
Do not log into z/OS and try to start SAS Deployment Wizard as a superuser (sometimes called “root” or “UID(0)”). The user ID used for downloading your software or for installing SAS 9.4 must meet specific requirements:
The user IDs that will be running either the SAS Download Manager or SAS Deployment Wizard to install SAS 9.4 Foundation for z/OS require a larger region setting:
Thanks alexal for your all the answers. I am in process of getting an userid for this activity.
However I have following errors at the moment:-
An X11 display server is required. ---> Do you think that z/OS also needs some kind of X11 software? or this error is also related to permission denied error.
mkdir: FSUM6404 directory "//.java/.systemPrefs": EDC5111I Permission denied.
mkdir: FSUM6404 directory "//.SASAppData/SASDeploymentWizard": EDC5111I Permissi
on denied.
The X11 protocol is network transparent. You need a X server on your PC (think XManager or similar), and a DISPLAY environment variable in your virtual UNIX on z/OS that points to that display:
Then the Java runtime environment will direct the GUI of the setup to your PC.
Hi there,
Thanks for your reply.
The problems are not solved yet. I am trying to achieve this goal with the following 2 methods:-
1) transferred the esdclient to the z/OS (esdclient__94480__mvs__xx__web__1.zos). While running, following permission denied error appears. Due to organizational restrictions, priviledged permissions etc. are not allowed. Anybody has any other alternatives? It not looks like Jave related issue.
mkdir: FSUM6404 directory "//.java/.systemPrefs": EDC5111I Permission denied.
Could not create directory: /.SASAppData/SASDeploymentWizard
Can't create log file: /SDW_2017-07-05-06.12.45.logjava.nio.file.AccessDeniedExc
eption: /SDW_2017-07-05-06.12.45.log.lck
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(UnixFileSystemProvid
at java.util.logging.FileHandler.openFiles(
at java.util.logging.FileHandler.<init>(
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /SDW_0.log.lck
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(UnixFileSystemProvid
2) As an alternative I have downloaded the 'SAS Software Depot' on windows and transferred in binary format to z/os USS. While running the ./ command I am getting very strange following error
./ 1: FSUM7332 syntax error: got ), expecting Newline
Whiel running the ./setup.rexx, I am getting the following error message;-
ERROR: user xxxxxx has "/" as its home directory.
So still it is a midway. If any suggestions, please discuss.
Dear all,
The problems, I have mentioned are solved now.
Anyone may use following command to check that / is not your default home directory.
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