Hello all.
I got an error which drives me nuts.
Error:TK Could not Initialize.
:Log4SAS: Extension Failure
:Error at Location: tkl4sas
Note: Search parth User to locate Images
:X:\Programm Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\core\sasext\
I cant start base sas or sas eg.
Always the sam error occurs.
So i have tried to uninstall sas somehow. No chance...
The deployment manager kicks me out with no specific error message, just somethin like "there is an error..."
I have tried to install sas on a new SASHOME with setup.exe -changesashome.
Gettin this error
And when i try to start the SAS Download Manager, i get the same error like shown above.
So i cant uninstall the whole sas system...i cant install it to a new folder.
Does perhaps someone know, whats going on?
Google doenst show much for tkl4sas...