I am trying to establish the connection between the SAS with the Oracle database and the log displays
with the below error message.
"oracle.net.ns.NetException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
Please post the complete SAS log, including your SAS statements. Try googling this error and you will get a lot of hits. It means that the service name you are using in your Oracle connection is either incorrect, or there is no current Oracle database running under that service name. Is this the first time you have tried connecting to this Oracle database or was it working and now it isn't? Are you doing this on a remote SAS server or on a PC?
Hello @svamsikumar It appears the service name does not exist in tnsnames.ora file or may have been spelled incorrectly.
Typically local admin's/dba's would be able to sort out this issue.
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