We are seeing the Kubectl client server version skew message "exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1 " while deploying Viya using the SAS Viya Deployment GIT project on Azure. The infratructure was deployed using the IAC GIT project. We used the "Docker" method to deploy both the Infrastructure and Viya. The kubernetes version we are using is Version 1.26.6. The IAC project works well, its the deployment project when executed gives the version skew error.
Other deails:
1. LTS version - 2023.03
2. Kubernetes Version - Updated kubernetes version in terraform.tfvars to 1.26.6
3. Dockerfile - Updated kubectl version parameter in Dockerfile of IAC & Deployment projects to 1.26.6, as we are using the Docker method to deploy.
The exact error message while executing the Viya deployment project is this:
{"level":"info","version":1,"source":"sas-orchestration","messageKey":"sas-orchestration.lifecycle.operation.log","messageParameters":{"log":"version difference between client (1.24.16) and server (1.26.6) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1\n"},"properties":{"logger":"pkg/library/sasdeploymentcr","caller":"sasdeploymentcr/execute.go:489"},"timeStamp":"2023-12-08T10:06:39.566118+00:00","message":"version difference between client (1.24.16) and server (1.26.6) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1\n"}
We are not sure from where version 1.24.16 is picked up. Does the deployment operator container image contain a kubectl client which is causing this message?
Thanks for your help.