We just finished upgrading from 9.4M2 to 9.4M4 (Linux environment), but now our connection to Oracle isn't working right. When we try to setup an Oracle LIBNAME we get the following error:
I've done some searching for this error message, but have come up dry. SAS appears to be working in general if we're not connecting to Oracle. It seems like it might be saying it's missing some environmental variables somewhere, but my user environment didn't change at all. Does SAS have it's own environmental variables that may have been overwritten in the upgrade maybe?
Any ideas?
If its empty, so you should make entries to export them which looks similar to below example and then it should resolve the issue.
export oracel_home= refer to path where oracle client is installed in your server like /etc/oracle
Can you remote into the SAS Server and try a test query in the Oracle client (SQLPlus I think). If it works then the Oracle side of things should be OK. It not then there is a problem with the Oracle set up.
Oracle appears to be working ok, I think @maheshtalla is on the right track with the environmental vars. I've gone through the SAS ACCESS install/config guide but didn't see anything about modifying the environmental vars, I also went through all of the sasenv files and didn't see anything looking like it's referencing Oracle. And sasenv_local appears to be stock, everything is commented out instructions.
If its empty, so you should make entries to export them which looks similar to below example and then it should resolve the issue.
export oracel_home= refer to path where oracle client is installed in your server like /etc/oracle
We found an entry for ORACLE_HOME in the backup we made prior to upgrade in the sasenv_local file. We readded it to the file and it looks like it's working again. Thanks!
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