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Quartz | Level 8 LAP
Quartz | Level 8

We have the following implementation:

Metadata Cluster (3 servers), MidTier (2) and Compute TIer (Grid - 4 nodes).


We have installed and Configured SAS Environment Manager following the "Installing and Configuring SAS Environment Manager in a SAS Grid Environment".  


All seems to be functioning correctly.   The agents are running on each node and environment manager sees all the agents.


Now, we want to initialize the service architecture Framework follwing the "Initializing SAS Envrionemnt Manager Service Architecture Framework for SAS 9.4M3" instructions. 


However, step2 : Validate Framework fails


Here's the info:


Service Architecture Validation - Mon Jun 20 11:54:16 CDT 2016
Starting level 1 validation...
Level 1 validation completed with 0 error(s)
Starting extended level 2 validation (this could take a while)...
Level 2 validation completed with 1 error(s) in 34.104 sec

Service Architecture validation completed with 1 error(s)
1) The SAS Environment Manager Agent is not running.

However, the (modified) grid agents are running (not the default one). 


We feel that the failure is do to the "standard scripts" not working in our grid environemnt (won't be the first time we've encountered this).  So the question I have to any grid administrator, is what changes / modifications/ hoops did you have to do to get service architecture framework working in a Grid environment?


Thx for your help





Obsidian | Level 7

Hi I just happend to fix this issue yesterday. 


If you are using windows servers ,pls do the following 


To work around this problem, check the performance counters:

  1. Find the following registry key:
  2. From PerfProc\Performance, look for the option Disable Performance Counters and make sure its value is 0 (enabled).
  3. If you change this value, reboot the server.

Best , 




Sai Korrapati
Quartz | Level 8 LAP
Quartz | Level 8

Thanks for the solution.  However,  we are using Linux servers and I'm not sure if there is anything equivalent in Linux.   We can check with our root admins.


Quartz | Level 8 LAP
Quartz | Level 8



Did you work with Tech support on this?   If so could you provide us with a track.   They seem to be sending us down a rabbit hole on this and if we could point to a similiar solution it might help.



Obsidian | Level 7
Hi Lap, I raised a track with TS but I figured out myself before digging the rabbit hole so asked them to close the track. Use -i -d -verbose command and post the log here. That should give more details on why the validation for agent is failing. Best.
Sai Korrapati
Obsidian | Level 7
Sorry the auto spell wrecked the command.

It is -i -d -verbose
Sai Korrapati
Obsidian | Level 7
And the full log will be under emi framework folder.
Sai Korrapati
Calcite | Level 5

I'm not sure if this will work for you but I was able to get the validation and emi scripts to work by copying the emi-framework folder to the $SAS_config/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/grid/$grid_node folder at the same level as the agent folder.


[root@xnzxpwa102x]# ll
total 24
drwxr-xr-x.  8 sas Sas 3864 Nov  8 15:43 agent-5.8.0-EE
drwxr-xr-x. 11 sas Sas 3864 Aug 31 13:33 emi-client
drwxr-xr-x. 18 sas Sas 3864 May 24 15:21 emi-framework

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