Hi All,
I experience the following problem:
I work on SAS EG. I establish connection with mainframe and then continue working using some files from mainframe.
After a while connection with mainframe gets lost. This is the message I get.
ERROR: Unexpected ERROR from SHRWTSK29 detected by TERMINATE WORK
TASK in "SQL (2)"(8): ERROR: Delete current task.
ERROR: Attempt to communicate with server MYNODE refused by server.
The current request failed.
When I try to establish connection again this is the message I get:
16 %let mynode=av2.ao.xx.xxxxx.com 5225;
17 options remote=mynode comamid=tcp;
18 OPTIONS compress=yes source2 nomprint;
19 signon mynode authdomain=AV2;
NOTE: A link to MYNODE has been previously established. SIGNON is not necessary.
I try to read the date by clicking on the table, this is the message I get a popup window saying
The open data operation failed. The following error occured.
[ERROR] The connection to the server MYNODE has been lost. The current
request failed. This error may reoccur on subsequent requests
Again trying to establish connection, again it says that I aready have it
Then I do signoff
NOTE: Remote signoff from MYNODE commencing.
ERROR: The connection to server MYNODE has been lost. The current
request failed. This error may reoccur on subsequent requests.
ERROR: Conversation termination; status=2.
NOTE: Remote signoff from MYNODE complete.
And then signon again and I can work further.
This problem occurs very randomly( It will occur twice in a day). Can someone help me why this issue happens and how to resolve it.
I have checked with network team regarding Firewall between SAS EG and Mainframe. Unfortunately there is no firewall.
9.3 M2
EG 5.1
Please help me in finding solution for this problem,