Hi everyone,
We recently upgraded from SAS9.4M3 to SAS9.4M6 . after this upgrade we are receiving SAS content Server backup failed error on all 3 environments (all upgraded). The error is shown below:
A problem occurred in executing a backup operation. Please check log files for more details.
Operation name : Backup [2019-05-12T01_00_02]
Operation Status : FAIL
Date Time : 5/12/19 1:00 AM
Environment Details Tier 1 : Host: nlr1sastst1.abcbs.net Configuration Directory: /sas/install/config/Lev2 This was a scheduled backup.
It is recommended to take another clean backup by running sas-backup after recovering from the error situation.
Run by: sasadm
Got Exception as follows:
Backup Errors
Error Entry:
Status Code: 314
Classification: ERROR
Date and Time Of Error: 2019-05-12T01_00_32
Log Name: ContentServer.log
Log File Location: /sas/install/config/Lev2/Backup/Logs/2019-05-12T01_00_02/backup/ContentServer
Operation Type: backup
Originating Tier: Host: nlr1sastst1.abcbs.net Configuration Directory: /sas/install/config/Lev2
Message: An error occurred while running the content server backup or recovery handler.
Stack Trace: The backup was ended unsuccessfully with some errors. Please check the logs!!!, Received fatal alert: protocol_versioncom.ibm.jsse2.k.a(k.java:5) com.ibm.jsse2.k.a(k.java:23)...
However, when i check in SAS Management Console I can see a successfully backup status:
How can I recreate the issue by just trying to backup the content server?
Please help.