Hi experts,
I am using SAS Mirror Manager and I am noticing something odd. I am using the "--deployment-assets" parameter to point to the deployment assets file downloaded from my.sas.com but it seems like SAS Mirror Manager is always downloading the latest release and not the release found in the deployment assets file.
According to the doc I expected it to download the same cadence and release found in the deployment assets file and not the latest release. I verified the downloaded release in the downloaded path:
I see there:
But my deployment assets file name has a different release:
The command I am using is:
$MIRRORMGRPATH/mirrormgr mirror registry --path ${MIRRORPATH} --deployment-data ${ASSETSPATH}/${CERTSFILE} --deployment-assets ${ASSETSPATH}/${ASSETSFILE}
What am I missing here? Maybe I am looking in the wrong place.. where can I see/verify which release was downloaded by mirror manager?
Hi @gwootton
According to the doc at https://go.documentation.sas.com/doc/en/itopscdc/v_051/dplyml0phy0dkr/n1h0rgtr10fpnfn1mg0s8fgfuof8.h... it says:
you can use the
flag to pass in the cadence and release automatically.
So according to this if I specify --deployment-assets (as I did) it should pick up the cadence and the release automatically from the file pointed by this parameter.
So maybe I am looking at the wrong place to verify which release it actually downloaded. Can you please help telling me how to identify which exact release was downloaded with mirror manager?
Hi @gwootton
My mirror manager version version is
version : v0.36.1
build date : 2023-12-08
git hash : a02be0f
go version : go1.21.4 X:boringcrypto
go compiler : gc
platform : linux/amd64
So what you are saying is that to verify which release was actually downloaded I need to look at "sas-repo/lod/stable/2024.04/ "? I should see there a folder with the release that was downloaded? This is the way to verify what was downloaded?
Hi @gwootton
Initially I did not know where to look to understand what was actually downloaded so I looked in the wrong place. Now in the folder you mentioned I have two files: one with the correct version (same as deployment assets) and another which is with a bit newer version:
-rw-r--r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 6302589 May 13 14:51 20240423.1713898974806
-rw-r--r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 6303778 May 11 16:19 20240511.1715441583768
I am not sure what I did anymore 🙂
I think I will delete and re-download and see what happens. I will update. Thanks a lot!
So I think I messed things up 🙂
I just checked and if I use the --deployment-assets flag then mirror manager automatically selects and downloads the cadence and release specified in the deployment assets file.
I am not sure how I ended up with two downloaded releases before...
Thanks @gwootton for your help!
Hi @gwootton
One more general question about this subject: can I use mirror manager to download new releases of the same cadence version to the same download location I used to download earlier releases?
Same question this time about downloading difference version of the same cadence to the same folder (for example, stable 2024.04 and stable 2024.05).
Same question about different cadences (for example stable 2024.04 and lts 2023.10)
Hi @gwootton and all,
How can I use SAS Mirror Manager to remove a specific release that was uploaded to AWS ECR?
For example, let's say I upload to ECR three different SAS Viya releases Stable 2024.05, 2024.06, 2024.07 and I want to delete one of them from ECR.
Hi @gwootton
So how do you cleanup the ECR?
If I do multiple SAS Viya upgrades, each time I load the new release to ECR and it starts filling up with many images from different releases. Each release is ~80GB.
I found an option for SAS Mirror Manager called "--remove-old" but not sure if it is valid for ECR nor how to exactly use it. I am kind of afraid to run it as I am not sure what it does.
Please advise.
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