Is there is any way to get the following details from metadata via SAS EG?
User name
Group details and also associated user under group (for example sassrv link to sas general server group.
There are several ways to obtain this information, but I think a good starting point is the SAS blog post: "SAS administrators tip: Keeping track of SAS users".
NOTE: Be aware that the outcome is dependant on the access that you have to metadata. In other words if the account that you are using is not allowed to "see" all users that will be reflected in the outcome.
Thanks for prompt reply.
when I run this script, I noticed, I missed the sassrv user defined in SAS General Servers group. Could you please help how to add the missing user in final output?
The provided code reports on users and their associated identities. The SAS General Servers account is a group identity, so if you want to report on logins and their associated identity (Person or Group) you would want to change the merge DATA step accordingly. Maybe:
data work.metadata_logins (drop=keyid) ;
work.logins (keep=keyid UserID)
work.group_info (keep=id name DisplayName desc in=user rename=(id=keyid desc=description))
work.person (keep=keyid name DisplayName description in=user)
by keyid;
if userid ne "";
Did @gwootton replied to your question sufficiently?
Just want to make sure you have been able to retrieve the information that you were looking for.
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