There are a few situations I have seen where you may find yourself with read-only access to a user in SAS Management Console:
- You are viewing the user indirectly. If you open the user properties directly in SAS Management Console User Manager (and you have sufficient role/permissions) then it should be read/write. If you open the user properties indirectly, such as selecting the user in the members list of a group and clicking the properties button, to indirectly view the user properties, then it will always be read-only. You can only make changes when editing the user directly.
- The user is an unrestricted user (direct/indirect member of the Metadata Server: Unrestricted role), but you are only a user administrator (direct/indirect member of the Metadata Server: User Administration role). Restricted user admins cannot modify unrestricted admins otherwise there is the potential for that restricted admin to impersonate the unrestricted user and then promote themselves to unrestricted.
- Access controls have been applied to the user that effectively deny the WriteMetadata permission for the restricted user admin that is trying to modify them. This is sometimes done deliberately in delegated user admin scenarios but more often than not it is the result of a prior mistake. This does not apply to unrestricted user admins as permissions to no apply to them.
I hope this helps you narrow down the problem.