If you want to ask SAS for any improvements, please feel free to post your feedback into
the "SASware ballot Ideas" community. SAS listens, duly answers & even implements eventually 😉 : I speak out of experience.
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For your particular concern, from my point of view, this is quite independent from SAS or any file-based PC tool
you might be working with on you PC.I remember the same sort of issues 10 years ago for Window XP/Windows 2003 and another antivirus. Those antivirus sometimes run (purposely) intrusive request at such low level as "I/O transaction" level, meaning every time your SAS session writes or reads a file portion stored on disk (list of blocks).
Updating the antivirus exclusion list with SAS PC executable "sas.exe" or SAS table filenames extension (*.sas7bdat, *.sas7butl etc.) is sometimes mandatory to disable this behaviour and reclaim SAS full speed !