Hi experts,
I am struggling with this issue hopefully someone can advise. I am trying to "docker build" the SAS Viya IaC project from https://github.com/sassoftware/viya4-iac-aws but getting a timeout error after 30 seconds on the first FROM statement in the Dockerfile. This site uses a proxy to reach the Internet. According to all tests performed, the "docker build" command bypasses the configured proxy for the Ubuntu machine and for the proxy settings set at /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf and tries to access the Internet directly and this is not allowed/possible at this site and hence the 30 second timeout and failure.
Tried adding "--build-arg HTTP_PROXY=" and "--build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=" to the "docker build" command and tried also to configure proxy at ~/.docker/config.json but nothing seems to make "docker build" go through the corporate's proxy.
Note that "docker run hello-world" does work in the sense that it connected to the Docker registry on the web via the proxy and downloaded the image successfully so the problem is scoped only to the "docker build".