Hi Greg,
Thank you for providing the SAS Code. I ran the code and there are notes in the SAS Log showing Flows (#34-#155) that I don't understand what they are and how they show up in the log. I can account for the 24 Flows in the table. However the "schedule" column is blank. Please advise.
62 /* ---------------------------------------------------[query_job_schedules.sas]-------------------------------- *
63 * The purpose of this program is to extract for flows defined in Metadata the schedule associated with them. *
64 * Author: Greg Wootton Date: 06DEC2019 *
65 **
66 * Note: Schedules appear differently depending on the scheduling server.*
67 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
69 /* Specify connection information for the Metadata Server */
71 options
72 metaserver="itsusralsp04835.jnj.com"
73 metaport=8561
74 metauser="sasadm@saspw"
75 metapass=XXXXXXXXXXX
76 metarepository=Foundation
77 metaprotocol=BRIDGE;
79 /* End edit. */
81 /* Create a data set to hold the flows and schedules. */
82 data work.schedule;
83 /* define and initialize variables */
84 length type $ 22 id flow_id job_id flowjob_id sync_id event_id $ 17 flow_uri flowjob_uri job_uri sync_uri event_uri
84 ! property_uri $ 60 flow_name flowjob_name job_name sync_name event_name $ 32 schedule $ 255 time $ 50;
85 call
85 ! missing(type,id,flow_id,job_id,sync_id,event_id,flow_uri,job_uri,sync_uri,event_uri,property_uri,flow_name,job_name,event
85 ! _name,sync_name,schedule,time,flowjob_name,flowjob_id,flowjob_uri);
86 keep flow_name job_name time schedule;
88 /* This query identifies flows defined in Metadata. */
89 flow_obj="omsobj:TransformationActivity?@Id contains '.'";
91 /* check for the existence of flows */
92 flow_count=metadata_resolve(flow_obj,type,id);
94 /* Write number of flows found to SAS log. */
95 put "INFO: Number of Flows Found: " flow_count;
97 /* if flows exist, walk through gathering the name of the flow, the associated job, and the schedule if one exists. */
98 if flow_count > 0 then do n=1 to flow_count;
99 rc=metadata_getnobj(flow_obj,n,flow_uri);
100 rc=metadata_getattr(flow_uri,"Name",flow_name);
101 rc=metadata_getattr(flow_uri,"Id",flow_id);
102 rc=metadata_getnasn(flow_uri,"Steps",1,job_uri);
103 rc=metadata_getattr(job_uri,"Name",job_name);
104 put "INFO: Flow " n "Name: " flow_name;
105 job_count=metadata_resolve("omsobj:JFJob?JFJob[JobActivities/TransformationActivity[@Id='"||flow_id||"']]",type,id);
106 if job_count > 0 then do m=1 to job_count;
107 rc=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:JFJob?JFJob[JobActivities/TransformationActivity[@Id='"||flow_id||"']]",m,flowjob_uri);
108 rc=metadata_getattr(flowjob_uri,"Name",flowjob_name);
109 rc=metadata_getattr(flowjob_uri,"Id",flowjob_id);
110 sync_count=metadata_resolve("omsobj:SyncStep?SyncStep[Transformations/JFJob[@Id='"||flowjob_id||"']]",type,id);
111 if sync_count > 0 then do o=1 to sync_count;
112 rc=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:SyncStep?SyncStep[Transformations/JFJob[@Id='"||flowjob_id||"']]",o,sync_uri);
113 rc=metadata_getattr(sync_uri,"Name",sync_name);
114 rc=metadata_getattr(sync_uri,"Id",sync_id);
115 event_count=metadata_resolve("omsobj:Event?Event[TriggeredTransforms/SyncStep[@Id='"||sync_id||"']]",type,id);
116 if event_count > 0 then do p=1 to event_count;
117 rc=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:Event?Event[TriggeredTransforms/SyncStep[@Id='"||sync_id||"']]",p,event_uri);
118 rc=metadata_getattr(event_uri,"Name",event_name);
119 rc=metadata_getattr(event_uri,"Id",event_id);
120 rc=metadata_getattr(event_uri,"Condition",time);
121 put "INFO: Condition = " time;
122 prop_rc=metadata_getnasn(event_uri,"Properties",2,property_uri);
123 if prop_rc > 0 then do;
124 rc=metadata_getattr(property_uri,"DefaultValue",schedule);
125 output;
126 put "INFO: Schedule = " schedule;
127 end;
128 else put "INFO: No properties found for event" event_name;
129 end;
130 else put "INFO: No events found in syncstep " sync_name;
131 end;
132 else put "INFO: No syncsteps found in job " job_name;
133 end;
134 else put "INFO: No jobs found in flow " flow_name;
135 end;
136 else put "INFO: No flows found.";
137 run;
INFO: Number of Flows Found: 155
INFO: Flow 1 Name: QAR40_VIBES_Raised_Events_Trigge
INFO: Condition = WE_dm1_sk1_st20200416_@:1:27:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 2 Name: QAR40_VIBES_Raised_Events_Trigge
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200416_@:13:27:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 3 Name: QAR40_VIBES_Raised_Events_Trigge
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200416_@:1:32:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 4 Name: QAR43_NC_Lot_Selection_Phase_Tri
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200416_@:1,13:30:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 5 Name: QAR43_NC_Correction_Phase_Trigge
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200416_@:1:44:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 6 Name: QAR45_Trigger_JAX
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200323_@:6:01:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 7 Name: QAR45_Trigger_IRE
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200323_@:1:58:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 8 Name: Daily_NC_Trigger
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200324_@:5:55:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 9 Name: QAR53_Shipping_Data_ETL_Trigger
INFO: No syncsteps found in job QAR53_Shipping_Data_ETL_Trigger
INFO: Flow 10 Name: corona_keyword_search
INFO: Condition = WE_dm64_sk1_st20200312_@:17:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 11 Name: QAR_Selection_Variables
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200311_@:5:00:1
INFO: No properties found for eventTimeEvent
INFO: Flow 12 Name: jjsv_capa_data_pull
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200224_et20200320_@:4:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 13 Name: OSP_Complaint_Data_Extract
INFO: Condition = WE_dm1_sk1_st20200131_@:6:00:1
INFO: No properties found for eventTimeEvent
INFO: Flow 14 Name: QAR_Task_Cleanup
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200110_@:1:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 15 Name: jjsv_catsweb_extract
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200109_@:3:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 16 Name: QAR45_IRE
INFO: No events found in syncstep Flow Triggering Event
INFO: Flow 17 Name: QAR45_JAX
INFO: No events found in syncstep Flow Triggering Event
INFO: Flow 18 Name: days_of_supply_mbox
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190927_@:7:15:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 19 Name: driver_mdr_report
INFO: Condition = WE_dm1_sk1_st20190916_@:7:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 20 Name: QAR40_Ireland_Quality_All_Open_N
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190821_@:1,13:50:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 21 Name: QAR43_FAI_Phase_Check_Trigger
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190821_@:6:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 22 Name: QAR40_Open_NC_Supplier_Related_I
INFO: No syncsteps found in job QAR40_Open_NC_Supplier_Related_I
INFO: Flow 23 Name: QAR40_NC_Event_Pushed_to_Finish_
INFO: Condition = WE_dm1_sk1_st20190821_@:3:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 24 Name: QAR40_IE_VIBES_Pending_Correctio
INFO: Condition = WE_dm64_sk1_st20190821_@:23:30:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 25 Name: QAR40_IE_All_Open_NC_Indicator_T
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20200303_@:1:55:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 26 Name: One_Voice
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190624_@:2:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190624_@:2:00:1
INFO: No properties found for eventTimeEvent
INFO: Flow 27 Name: Shipping
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20190624_@:3:05:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 28 Name: daily_listing_slug_microlens
INFO: Condition = DA_sk1_st20180727_@:7:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 29 Name: ireland_fm_weekly
INFO: Condition = WE_dm1_sk1_st20180508_@:6:00:1
INFO: No properties found for eventTimeEvent
INFO: Flow 30 Name: derive_regrpt
INFO: No events found in syncstep Flow Triggering Event
INFO: Flow 31 Name: tableau_data_subset_mod
INFO: Condition = WE_dm64_sk1_st20200225_@:1:00:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Flow 32 Name: Customer_Relations_auto_monthly_
INFO: Condition = MO_dw2ww2_sk1_st20200416_@:7:30:1
INFO: Schedule =
INFO: Condition = MO_dw2ww2_sk1_st20200416_@:7:30:1
INFO: No properties found for eventTimeEvent
INFO: Flow 33 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 34 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 35 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 36 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 37 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 38 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 39 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 40 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 41 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 42 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 43 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 44 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 45 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 46 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 47 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 48 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 49 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 50 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 51 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 52 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 53 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 54 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 55 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 56 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 57 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 58 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 59 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 60 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 61 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 62 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 63 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 64 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 65 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 66 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 67 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 68 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 69 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 70 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 71 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 72 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 73 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 74 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 75 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 76 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 77 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 78 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 79 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 80 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 81 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 82 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 83 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 84 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 85 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 86 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 87 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 88 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 89 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 90 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 91 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 92 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 93 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 94 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 95 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 96 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 97 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 98 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 99 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 100 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 101 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 102 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 103 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 104 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 105 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 106 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 107 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 108 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 109 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 110 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 111 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 112 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 113 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 114 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 115 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 116 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 117 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 118 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 119 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 120 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 121 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 122 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 123 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 124 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 125 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 126 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 127 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 128 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 129 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 130 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 131 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 132 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 133 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 134 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 135 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 136 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 137 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 138 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 139 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 140 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 141 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 142 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 143 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 144 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 145 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 146 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 147 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 148 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 149 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 150 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 151 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 152 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 153 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 154 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
INFO: Flow 155 Name: New Transformation Activity
INFO: No jobs found in flow New Transformation Activity
NOTE: The data set WORK.SCHEDULE has 24 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SCHEDULE increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 1.44 seconds
user cpu time 0.43 seconds
system cpu time 0.14 seconds
memory 6720.28k
OS Memory 37532.00k
Timestamp 04/16/2020 01:23:24 PM
Step Count 63 Switch Count 2032
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 1730
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 14328
Involuntary Context Switches 6706
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 264
139 /* Print the dataset created. */
140 proc print data=work.schedule; run;
NOTE: There were 24 observations read from the data set WORK.SCHEDULE.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
user cpu time 0.08 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 1996.62k
OS Memory 31900.00k
Timestamp 04/16/2020 01:23:24 PM
Step Count 64 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 23
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 1
Involuntary Context Switches 1
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 24
Best Regards,
Jose-Luis Ochoa
Principal Engineer QA Systems
Johnson & Johnson Vision
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.
7500 Centurion Pkwy., Jacksonville, FL 32256
T: +1 904 443 1092