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Calcite | Level 5

I had to stop installing SAS 9.2 it was taking too much time and had to leave. Now, where do I continue when get to back to it.Some of the icon I checked have already been completed except SAS foundation,with an error message ,I left at item no 65. web server client or something. How do I install SAS foundation? I have a message of  completed with errors for SAS FOUNDATION


SAS Employee

I'm going to assume that you stopped the SAS Deployment Wizard during the Installation Stage (via the Stop button), as opposed to any of the subsequent Configuration stages.  If that's the case, you can restart your install by simply reinvoking the SAS Deployment Wizard specifying the same products/responses as the first time through.  It should scream through the ones it's already installed, since there will be no new files to copy (the very first one will likely take longer, since there's some SAS Deployment Wizard initialization going on in addition to that product install).

<shameless plug> If you use the SAS Deployment Wizard's "-record" functionality, you can capture all your original responses to prompts, and feed them back into a subsequent run. This can come in handy if you end up having to abort an install midstream. See the SAS Deployment Wizard User's Guide for more info.

</shameless plug>

Note that the same does *not* hold true for configuration.  Unlike the Installation Stage, the Configuration stages are not reentrant.  Many products will produce errors if you attempt to re-run configuration on them.  As such, reconfiguration of products usually implies unconfiguring them first via the SAS Deployment Manager.

Of course you're going to need to find out what went wrong with your SAS Foundation install.  You should check the install log at the location indicated in the pop-up ERROR message dialog.  If you can't figure out what's getting in the way, a call to Tech Support may be warranted.

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Calcite | Level 5

Installing SAS from sasdepot is a nightmare,gone are the days that you have a CD and install SAS,well, 8.2 had 1CD, 9.1 initially had 2 CDs then 1CD,but this 9.2 and forward, with all kinds of Windows, operating system is no fun,but wait, windows 8 is coming out soon. Lord help us. I have been on this 9.2 for 3 days now, atleast 30 hours,without success.

Fluorite | Level 6

Windows 8 wont be supported until SAS 9.4 no doubt so no need to worry about that one 😉

Obsidian | Level 7

The ever increasing numbers of DVDs is something I've questioned and have never got compelling answer for, but I have come to accept it Smiley Wink  With Electronic Software Downloads it's not such an issue anyway. If you're doing discrete installs on PCs (not over a network), the key to installation-sanity is to create a Depot on a USB stick. If the PC supports USB 3.0, then even better if the Depot is on a USB 3.0 USB stick.

SAS Employee

You could have your depot on a shared network drive & install your clients from there.

Obsidian | Level 7

Indeed yes, hence why I said "not over a network". Certainly at my site an install from a USB key exceeds the speed of a network-install. A network install is however our standard method.

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