At one of my job sites, we are moving from Enterprise Guide 4.1 to 5.1. The EG users have a local install on their XP PC. Some of the EG 4.1 users also haveaccess to an AIX server that currently has an object spawner running under SAS 9.13.
For EG 4.1, we configured the AIX server via Tools à SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer. It was a very easy task.
For EG 5.1, I've tried to modify the profile for Connections (many options to get to this screen).
When I try to use the SetActive button, I get a credentials required screen for the SAS Metadata Repository.
We currently don't have a Metadata Repository on our AIX server.
Am I going to be able to make a simple transition between these two versions of Enterprise Guide?
Kim LeBouton
KJL Computing