Hi @SASKiwi, thank you for replying.
I've tried using the encoded password but it didn't work. I get authorization error (log attached) if using the encoded password, although it still works fine using the unencoded password;
/* Encoding password */
proc pwencode in = "supersecretpassword";
/* encoded password: {SAS002}709545100D40657D4507094941ACEF7C4652D9232A8E0E4001E3D23059C7D7C8 */
/* Call the macro */
%let protocol = https;
%let host = sashost;
%let port = 443;
%let username = awesomeuser;
%let password = {SAS002}709545100D40657D4507094941ACEF7C4652D9232A8E0E4001E3D23059C7D7C8;
%let projectId = ohhi-how-are-ya-666;
%vf_new_iteration(&protocol, &host, &port, &username, &password, &projectId);
Could it be that the literal encoded password is being used?
Is it necessary to 'tell' the funcions/step/proc that an encoded password is in use?