What issue are you encountering when trying to configure constrained delegation?
You'd need to have keytab(s) for the object spawner and grid on the compute hosts and pointed to in those configuration files, and the SAS_CONSTRAINED_DELEG_ENABLED environment variable set to 1 for both object spawner (level_env_usermods.sh) and workload orchestrator (sgmg_usermods.sh).
If you aren't using the standard SPN as the UPN (SAS/hostname and HTTP/hostname), the SAS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL variable would also need to be set to the UPN in those places.
You may wish to engage SAS Technical Support to help you through any issues you're encountering.
How to Configure Integrated Windows Authentication
https://go.documentation.sas.com/doc/en/bicdc/9.4/bisecag/n1d1zo1jsf2o0en1ehu4c4simfky.htmHow to Configure Kerberos Constrained Delegation
Greg Wootton | Principal Systems Technical Support Engineer