the date (birthdate) is a text field in SAS. I think it is that way because that is in the requirements when I try using proc print.... var birth /style={htmlstyle="mso-number-format:\@"}; I get Warning: Yes/No options only take, yes, no, on, or off as valid values WARNING: In Event: style_over_ride, Invalid Expression: ERROR: WHERE clause operator requires numeric variables. WARNING: In Event: style_over_ride, Invalid Expression: ERROR: WHERE clause operator requires numeric variables. when I stick ods path work.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read); it works but then the ods output options are ignored such as column width these are ods tagsets.ExcelXP options(embedded_footnotes='yes' embedded_titles='yes' suppress_bylines='yes' orientation='landscape' sheet_interval='bygroup' sheet_label=' ' width_fudge='.7' width_points='1' absolute_column_width='125,68.5,68.5,68.5,68.5,68.5,68.5,68.5' center_horizontal ='yes ');
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