Hi, If I try to run the same come in Oracle sql window I get the same error, it 's clear, the pass-through works fine. My question was about the automatic variables SQLXRC and sqlxmsg that, according to SAS documentation, should contains the Oracle error and Oracle error message. Instead, after an Oracle pass-through completed with error, if I execute %put ORACLE EXIT CODE: &SQLXRC; %put ORACLE MESSAGE CODE: %superq(sqlxmsg); I get ORACLE EXIT CODDE: 0 ORACLE MESSAGE CODE: insted in the log some rows above there was written: ERROR: ORACLE execute error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("blablabla"). I expected that, after the failed pass-troguh, running the following code: %put ORACLE EXIT CODE: &SQLXRC; %put ORACLE MESSAGE CODE: %superq(sqlxmsg); I get: ORACLE EXIT CODE:ORA-01400 ORACLE MESSAGE CODE: cannot insert NULL into ("blablabla"). or something like this. I repeat, the problem it seems on automatic variables I hope it's clear now. Thanks
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