Hi Paul, I appreciate your great instruction a lot! The code made my analyses job moving forward significantly. Thank you so much again. Some questions associating with this: 1. What if I want to do both positive matching and negative matching too, for example, in this project I want to know both mother and kid have fiber everyday. What if I want to know neither mother and kid have fiber everyday. What code should I use? 2. If I want to add Where statement or having statement, where should I add them? 3. When calculating mean absolute difference of age, we created _n_aads as the denominator. What if there are missing values in continuous variables for which I want to calculate mean absolute difference too besides age, such as sedentary time, daily exercise hours, or sleep hours, what new variables should I create to deal with any possible missing values in the above variables to get actual mean absolute difference? This is really a great learning opportunity from you to extend my project. I am sorry with my following questions. Please take your time to respond them! Thank you so much for again!!!!!! Kind regards,
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