%let year1=1970; %let year2=2020; proc sql; create table comp0 as select gvkey, fyear, datadate, SIC, fic, curcd, cogs, SALE, CSHO, AQC, AT, ACT, CAPX, CH, CHE,LT,LCT, DLC, DLTT, DP, DV, DVC, dvp, SPPIV, IPODATE from mydat.funda where fyear between &year1 and &year2 and CONSOL='C' and INDFMT='INDL' and DATAFMT='STD' and POPsrc='D' order by gvkey, fyear; quit; RUN; I have all the data saved in my library in sas7bdat format. I can collect my required data using the above code but runtime is slow. Is there any efficient method so that it takes less time to get the data?
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