Hi, I am working on a cross table, for instance for the cross table Hospital regions vs ARF-NoARF hospitalizations, it would be 2 x 4 cross table and the p value yielded is applicable to the whole tables combined. How do I get the p values for difference between ARF-NOARF admissions for each region separately, the poct-hoc comparisons? I am attaching a part of the table and its figure here to this post.I want the p values for the highlighted #s in the table. I have also plotted them on the graph next to the table. All I need is the p values for the red/blue bars for each region. The overall p value that’s shown in the table is the combined p value. But in the graph you see that the ARF and NIS %s are very different for northeast and South regions but NOT very different for Midwest and West regions. So how do I get those p values exactly, separate for each region from this table that would allow me say if they are significant or not? SO basically the code I have used is below and that’s how I got the table below and I created the graph. You can take a look at the Figure 3 in that paper and read the description right below it. proc freq; table arf hospitalization *region /chisq; run;quit; Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ashwini
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