We'll take a page out of Julie Andrew's book for SAS Bowl XXXV and highlight: These are a few of my favorite PROCs. SAS procedures are the core of SAS programming and we'd like to introduce you to some of the more popular ones.
We'll focus on the following PROCs:
data step, SQL, freq, means, summary, report, tabulate, http, delete, datasets, options, logistic, reg, ttest, model
Here are some links to a few resources that highlight these PROCs so you can study up for the event.
data step articles on the SAS Community
proc freq articles on the SAS Community
proc http articles on the SAS Community
proc sql articles on the SAS Community
Feel free to search through articles in the Community for other PROCs
For those who may be new to the SAS Bowl, you can find game history and specifics in this Community memo. There you'll also find links to previous events, which include recordings.
Register for the event and receive an invite with game details and a Teams meeting link. On game day, Join the TEAMS meeting to play, and show off your SAS and worldly knowledge while competing for bragging rights and SAS Community game gear.