Hello, I am so stuck to finding coding about how to pool data in split plot design. In my experiment, I am looking the effects of rolling and fertilizers on disease severity. The whole plot is rolling and sub plots are fertilizers. I tried to look in separate locations, however sas gave errors. Can you please help me for coding?
Here is the coding I tried in sas but I received errors.
proc glimmix data=first;
class trial block rolling fert;
model audpc= rolling fert*rolling fert;
random= trial trial*fert trial*rolling block*rolling rolling*trial fert*block;
random block ;
covtest "block=0" 0 .;
lsmeans rolling fert rolling*fert / pdiff Adjust = Tukey lines;
utput out=second predicted=pred residual=resid residual(noblup)=mresid student=studentresid student(noblup)=smresid;