You can use formats to do a quick check for missing or invalid data by creating formats that map the values and then using, for example, PROC FREQ to generate a simple report. In sample the code below, numeric and character formats are created to group the values and then PROC FREQ is used to provide a simple/quick QC report.
- the special variable list _character_ is used to assign the $missing. format to all the character variables
- the special variable list _numeric_ is used to assign the missing. format to all the numeric variables
proc format;
value missing low-high = 'Value'
other = 'Missing';
value $missing ' ' = 'Missing'
other = 'Value';
proc freq data=sashelp.class;
tables _all_/missing;
format _character_ $missing. _numeric_ missing.;
title 'Quick QC Check';
Thanks to Don Henderson for sharing this tip on