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I have some problem with the SAS map and the Gproject procedure. I tried to project georeferenced point (geographical coordinates in decimal format) on SAS map (i select a subset of the world map)... A significant part of these points are located in the sea, they are mislocated (i could send the google earth input and the resulting ouptut)... My point seems to be correct because when i projected the same datasets with google earth they are in the right place (i could provided the output too).
Below the code and the ob_anno table.

Code :

*Import the world map and convert the radian in degree ;
data ;
set ;
x = long/(constant('pi')/180) ;
label x = x ;
y = lat/(constant('pi')/180) ;
label y = y ;
run ;

*set world map + pinus pinaster data to get a good projection ;
data all ;
length id 8 ;
set world ob_anno ;
run ;

*Transform geographic coordinates in projected coordinates ;
%let pro = ortho ;
proc gproject data= all out = all_p degree latmin = 30 latmax = 55 longmin = -15 longmax = 10 project = &pro dupok ;
id id ;
run ;

*Separate the unique dataset in two data sets to make a beautiful map... ;
data world1p ob_mp ;
set all_p ;
if id = -999 then output ob_mp ;
else output world1p ;
run ;

goptions reset=all hpos=60 dev=emf gsfname=gout ;
goptions gunit=pct ftitle="arial/bo" ftext="arial" htitle=5 htext=3 ;
goptions xpixels=1200 ypixels= 1200 ;
options orientation=LANDSCAPE ;
filename gout "G:\ThesePIAFBIOGECO\resultats\OutputSAS\IntraspecificTREESNIP\METEO_GEOGRAPHY\Graph\Pinus_pinaster_back_ground.tiff" ;
pattern1 c=cx7f00ff v=solid;

proc sort data = world1p ; by id; run ;

*title1 "Pinus pinaster range distribution" ;
*title2 "data from Bucci et al 2007" ;
title "maps from SAS with a &pro projection" ;
proc gmap data = world1p map = world1p ;
id id ;
choro id / nolegend levels=1 coutline=graycc anno= ob_mp ;

Ob_anno (only a subset) :

escription genus species var color function id Lat long alt y x symbol size when xsys ysys
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.1404 -5.44198 32.1404 5.44198 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.4662 -5.05228 32.4662 5.05228 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.4662 -5.43449 32.4662 5.43449 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.4662 -5.78729 32.4662 5.78729 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.4913 -4.28729 32.4913 4.28729 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.4913 -4.6989 32.4913 4.6989 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.8422 -3.86762 32.8422 3.86762 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.8422 -4.27922 32.8422 4.27922 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.8422 -4.66143 32.8422 4.66143 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.8422 -5.04364 32.8422 5.04364 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 32.8422 -5.42584 32.8422 5.42584 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.1932 -4.24175 33.1932 4.24175 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.1932 -5.03556 33.1932 5.03556 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.2182 -4.62338 33.2182 4.62338 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5441 -4.61589 33.5441 4.61589 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5441 -5.3803 33.5441 5.3803 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5441 -6.14471 33.5441 6.14471 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5692 -3.8803 33.5692 3.8803 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5692 -4.23311 33.5692 4.23311 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5692 -4.99752 33.5692 4.99752 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.5943 -3.52692 33.5943 3.52692 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.8951 -3.84341 33.8951 3.84341 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.8951 -4.22561 33.8951 4.22561 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.8951 -4.57842 33.8951 4.57842 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.8951 -4.99002 33.8951 4.99002 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.8951 -6.16604 33.8951 6.16604 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.9201 -3.49002 33.9201 3.49002 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.9201 -5.37165 33.9201 5.37165 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 33.9201 -5.75386 33.9201 5.75386 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.2711 -4.62857 34.2711 4.62857 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.2711 -4.98138 34.2711 4.98138 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.2961 -3.80478 34.2961 3.80478 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.2961 -5.77461 34.2961 5.77461 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.597 -3.47446 34.597 3.47446 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.597 -4.20947 34.597 4.20947 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.597 -4.62108 34.597 4.62108 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.622 -3.85609 34.622 3.85609 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.9479 -3.46639 34.9479 3.46639 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.9479 -5.34802 34.9479 5.34802 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.973 -3.84802 34.973 3.84802 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.973 -4.25962 34.973 4.25962 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.973 -4.55363 34.973 4.55363 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 34.973 -4.93583 34.973 4.93583 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 35.2738 -5.39932 35.2738 5.39932 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 35.3239 -4.95716 35.3239 4.95716 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 35.6498 -4.94967 35.6498 4.94967 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 35.6498 -5.33188 35.6498 5.33188 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.3767 6.41563 36.3767 -6.41563 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.3767 6.00402 36.3767 -6.00402 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.3767 -4.90355 36.3767 4.90355 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.3767 -5.31516 36.3767 5.31516 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.4018 4.50517 36.4018 -4.50517 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.4018 4.12297 36.4018 -4.12297 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.4018 3.32915 36.4018 -3.32915 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.4269 3.74134 36.4269 -3.74134 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 6.7765 36.7277 -6.7765 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 6.01209 36.7277 -6.01209 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 5.62988 36.7277 -5.62988 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 3.74826 36.7277 -3.74826 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 -4.57208 36.7277 4.57208 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7277 -4.89548 36.7277 4.89548 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7527 6.45367 36.7527 -6.45367 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7527 4.54264 36.7527 -4.54264 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7527 4.10164 36.7527 -4.10164 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.7527 -5.33591 36.7527 5.33591 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.828 8.77804 36.828 -8.77804 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 36.9032 -4.30344 36.9032 4.30344 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.0786 6.81397 37.0786 -6.81397 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.0786 -4.1818 37.0786 4.1818 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.1037 6.46174 37.1037 -6.46174 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.1037 -3.0346 37.1037 3.0346 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.1037 -3.44621 37.1037 3.44621 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.1037 -3.79902 37.1037 3.79902 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.1037 -7.23887 37.1037 7.23887 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4546 -3.46754 37.4546 3.46754 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4546 -3.76154 37.4546 3.76154 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4546 -6.49579 37.4546 6.49579 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4546 -7.2308 37.4546 7.2308 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4797 -2.29095 37.4797 2.29095 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4797 -3.05536 37.4797 3.05536 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.4797 -7.58303 37.4797 7.58303 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.5048 -2.61377 37.5048 2.61377 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.5048 -6.87684 37.5048 6.87684 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8056 -2.60686 37.8056 2.60686 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8056 -7.54613 37.8056 7.54613 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -2.28287 37.8306 2.28287 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -3.04729 37.8306 3.04729 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -3.42949 37.8306 3.42949 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -4.54671 37.8306 4.54671 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -4.89952 37.8306 4.89952 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -5.34052 37.8306 5.34052 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8306 -7.19275 37.8306 7.19275 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 37.8808 -3.75174 37.8808 3.75174 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1565 -7.47926 38.1565 7.47926 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -1.922 38.1816 1.922 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -2.2748 38.1816 2.2748 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -2.59821 38.1816 2.59821 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -3.77423 38.1816 3.77423 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -4.15643 38.1816 4.15643 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.1816 -4.53864 38.1816 4.53864 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.2067 -2.97984 38.2067 2.97984 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.2067 -3.39145 38.2067 3.39145 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.2067 -4.89087 38.2067 4.89087 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5075 -4.47234 38.5075 4.47234 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -1.09071 38.5325 1.09071 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -1.50232 38.5325 1.50232 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -2.59014 38.5325 2.59014 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -3.38395 38.5325 3.38395 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -3.76616 38.5325 3.76616 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -4.17776 38.5325 4.17776 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -7.52942 38.5325 7.52942 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5325 -7.94102 38.5325 7.94102 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5576 -2.26616 38.5576 2.26616 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5576 -3.00117 38.5576 3.00117 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.5576 -4.8828 38.5576 4.8828 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8584 -4.87588 38.8584 4.87588 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8584 -6.3753 38.8584 6.3753 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -1.11204 38.8835 1.11204 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -4.11089 38.8835 4.11089 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -4.4931 38.8835 4.4931 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -5.90432 38.8835 5.90432 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -7.13914 38.8835 7.13914 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.8835 -7.49194 38.8835 7.49194 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.9085 -0.788063 38.9085 0.788063 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.9085 -1.49367 38.9085 1.49367 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.9085 -3.72811 38.9085 3.72811 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.9085 -7.93238 38.9085 7.93238 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 38.9336 0.417932 38.9336 -0.417932 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.1843 -6.42661 39.1843 6.42661 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2094 -1.51616 39.2094 1.51616 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2094 -4.4856 39.2094 4.4856 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2094 -4.86781 39.2094 4.86781 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2344 -1.86839 39.2344 1.86839 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2344 -2.25059 39.2344 2.25059 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2344 -6.01385 39.2344 6.01385 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2344 -6.74886 39.2344 6.74886 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2344 -7.13107 39.2344 7.13107 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2595 -3.74944 39.2595 3.74944 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2595 -4.13164 39.2595 4.13164 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2595 -7.5127 39.2595 7.5127 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.2595 -7.8655 39.2595 7.8655 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.3096 -1.10224 39.3096 1.10224 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5603 1.69656 39.5603 -1.69656 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5603 -6.35916 39.5603 6.35916 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -1.0959 39.5854 1.0959 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -1.50751 39.5854 1.50751 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -1.88972 39.5854 1.88972 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -2.27192 39.5854 2.27192 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -4.47696 39.5854 4.47696 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -6.74079 39.5854 6.74079 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -7.123 39.5854 7.123 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.5854 -7.5052 39.5854 7.5052 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 2.61663 39.9363 -2.61663 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -0.735027 39.9363 0.735027 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -1.11723 39.9363 1.11723 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -1.49944 39.9363 1.49944 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -4.08668 39.9363 4.08668 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -4.49829 39.9363 4.49829 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -4.85109 39.9363 4.85109 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -5.96831 39.9363 5.96831 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -6.35051 39.9363 6.35051 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -6.76212 39.9363 6.76212 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9363 -7.49713 39.9363 7.49713 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9614 -1.88107 39.9614 1.88107 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9614 -2.26327 39.9614 2.26327 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9614 -2.55728 39.9614 2.55728 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 39.9614 -7.11435 39.9614 7.11435 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -0.726956 40.2873 0.726956 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -1.10916 40.2873 1.10916 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -1.49137 40.2873 1.49137 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -1.87357 40.2873 1.87357 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -2.25578 40.2873 2.25578 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -2.54978 40.2873 2.54978 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -6.72465 40.2873 6.72465 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -7.10686 40.2873 7.10686 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.2873 -7.48906 40.2873 7.48906 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 6.85894 40.3123 -6.85894 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -3.69583 40.3123 3.69583 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -4.07803 40.3123 4.07803 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -4.46024 40.3123 4.46024 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -4.87184 40.3123 4.87184 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -5.25405 40.3123 5.25405 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -5.60686 40.3123 5.60686 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -5.98906 40.3123 5.98906 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.3123 -6.34187 40.3123 6.34187 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6633 -0.306703 40.6633 0.306703 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6633 -6.01039 40.6633 6.01039 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -0.717733 40.6883 0.717733 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -1.09994 40.6883 1.09994 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -2.24656 40.6883 2.24656 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -2.54056 40.6883 2.54056 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -4.8632 40.6883 4.8632 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -5.2454 40.6883 5.2454 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -5.62761 40.6883 5.62761 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -6.36262 40.6883 6.36262 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -6.74483 40.6883 6.74483 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -7.09763 40.6883 7.09763 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.6883 -7.47984 40.6883 7.47984 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 6.86816 40.7134 -6.86816 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 6.48596 40.7134 -6.48596 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 6.10375 40.7134 -6.10375 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -1.48157 40.7134 1.48157 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -1.86377 40.7134 1.86377 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -2.92219 40.7134 2.92219 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -3.3338 40.7134 3.3338 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -3.6866 40.7134 3.6866 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7134 -4.09821 40.7134 4.09821 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 40.7385 -4.45044 40.7385 4.45044 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -0.298055 41.0393 0.298055 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -4.09071 41.0393 4.09071 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -4.44352 41.0393 4.44352 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -5.23733 41.0393 5.23733 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -6.00174 41.0393 6.00174 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -6.35455 41.0393 6.35455 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -6.70736 41.0393 6.70736 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -7.08956 41.0393 7.08956 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0393 -7.47177 41.0393 7.47177 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 6.46463 41.0643 -6.46463 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 0.0847271 41.0643 -0.0847271 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -1.06189 41.0643 1.06189 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -1.8557 41.0643 1.8557 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -2.23791 41.0643 2.23791 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -2.56131 41.0643 2.56131 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -2.94352 41.0643 2.94352 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -3.35513 41.0643 3.35513 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -3.70793 41.0643 3.70793 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -4.85455 41.0643 4.85455 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0643 -5.61896 41.0643 5.61896 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0894 6.84741 41.0894 -6.84741 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.0894 -1.47292 41.0894 1.47292 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3651 0.0916449 41.3651 -0.0916449 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 0.474427 41.3902 -0.474427 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -1.0544 41.3902 1.0544 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -4.43545 41.3902 4.43545 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -5.22926 41.3902 5.22926 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -5.99367 41.3902 5.99367 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -6.34648 41.3902 6.34648 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.3902 -6.72869 41.3902 6.72869 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 9.91255 41.4153 -9.91255 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 0.85721 41.4153 -0.85721 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -1.43603 41.4153 1.43603 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -2.55324 41.4153 2.55324 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -2.90605 41.4153 2.90605 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -3.67046 41.4153 3.67046 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -4.05267 41.4153 4.05267 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -4.84648 41.4153 4.84648 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -5.61089 41.4153 5.61089 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -7.08091 41.4153 7.08091 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4153 -7.46312 41.4153 7.46312 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.4404 -3.34648 41.4404 3.34648 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 9.50844 41.7412 -9.50844 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 9.12623 41.7412 -9.12623 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 1.24691 41.7412 -1.24691 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 0.894105 41.7412 -0.894105 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 0.482498 41.7412 -0.482498 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 -2.22234 41.7412 2.22234 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 -2.54575 41.7412 2.54575 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 -2.89855 41.7412 2.89855 1 20 A 2 2
Pinus, pinaster, buc Pinus pinaster bucci black point -999 41.7412 -3.31016 41.7412 3.31016 1 20 A 2 2

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