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Obsidian | Level 7

*Hello Friends;

*i started to collect census data for 2010 - is anyone help me how to collect ALL CENSUS DATA and put together in SAS;

*any help would be appreciated ...;




  You might want to go to the site. I believe they have some information about downloading and even some sample programs.


Obsidian | Level 7

actually i have found details. I am posting just for information.

if you go to this side -they have fodler called 01-Redistricting_File--PL_94-171/. Redistricting data are basically/produced as a SAS Datasets.

- here - you will have all states data as a zip files. lets say if you wants to take data for 

  Alabama state then click on 'Alabama' and double click on - you will have 3 .pl files.

- open these files and save it on desktop - rename them by replacing 'al' to 'ms'. don't change .pl extention.

- use below code by using all above 3 different files.


libname xyz 'c:\';
data xyz.header;
infile 'C:\' lrecl = 500 missover pad; /* if you have save all those 3 files under 'c:\' */'
@1 FILEID $6. /*File Identification*/
@7 STUSAB $2. /*State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)*/
@9 SUMLEV $3. /*Summary Level*/
@12 GEOCOMP $2. /*Geographic Component*/
@14 CHARITER $3. /*Characteristic Iteration*/
@17 CIFSN $2. /*Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number*/
@19 LOGRECNO $7. /*Logical Record Number*/
@26 REGION $1. /*Region*/
@27 DIVISION $1. /*Division*/
@28 STATE $2. /*State (FIPS)*/
@30 COUNTY $3. /*County*/
@33 COUNTYCC $2. /*FIPS County Class Code*/
@35 COUNTYSC $2. /*County Size Code*/
@37 COUSUB $5. /*County Subdivision (FIPS)*/
@42 COUSUBCC $2. /*FIPS County Subdivision Class Code*/
@44 COUSUBSC $2. /*County Subdivision Size Code*/
@46 PLACE $5. /*Place (FIPS)*/
@51 PLACECC $2. /*FIPS Place Class Code*/
@53 PLACESC $2. /*Place Size Code*/
@55 TRACT $6. /*Census Tract*/
@61 BLKGRP $1. /*Block Group*/
@62 BLOCK $4. /*Block*/
@66 IUC $2. /*Internal Use Code*/
@68 CONCIT $5. /*Consolidated City (FIPS)*/
@73 CONCITCC $2. /*FIPS Consolidated City Class Code*/
@75 CONCITSC $2. /*Consolidated City Size Code*/
@77 AIANHH $4. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (Census)*/
@81 AIANHHFP $5. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (FIPS)*/
@86 AIANHHCC $2. /*FIPS American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Class Code*/
@88 AIHHTLI $1. /*American Indian Trust Land/Hawaiian Home Land Indicator*/
@89 AITSCE $3. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census)*/
@92 AITS $5. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS)*/
@97 AITSCC $2. /*FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code*/
@99 TTRACT $6. /*Tribal Census Tract*/
@105 TBLKGRP $1. /*Tribal Block Group*/
@106 ANRC $5. /*Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS)*/
@111 ANRCCC $2. /*FIPS Alaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code*/
@113 CBSA $5. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area*/
@118 CBSASC $2. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Size Code*/
@120 METDIV $5. /*Metropolitan Division*/
@125 CSA $3. /*Combined Statistical Area*/
@128 NECTA $5. /*New England City and Town Area*/
@133 NECTASC $2. /*New England City and Town Area Size Code*/
@135 NECTADIV $5. /*New England City and Town Area Division*/
@140 CNECTA $3. /*Combined New England City and Town Area*/
@143 CBSAPCI $1. /*Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area Principal City Indicator*/
@144 NECTAPCI $1. /*New England City and Town Area Principal City Indicator*/
@145 UA $5. /*Urban Area*/
@150 UASC $2. /*Urban Area Size Code*/
@152 UATYPE $1. /*Urban Area Type*/
@153 UR $1. /*Urban/Rural*/
@154 CD $2. /*Congressional District (111th)*/
@156 SLDU $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 1)*/
@159 SLDL $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 1)*/
@162 VTD $6. /*Voting District*/
@168 VTDI $1. /*Voting District Indicator*/
@169 RESERVE2 $3. /*Reserved*/
@172 ZCTA5 $5. /*ZIP Code Tabulation Area (5 digit)*/
@177 SUBMCD $5. /*Subminor Civil Division (FIPS)*/
@182 SUBMCDCC $2. /*FIPS Subminor Civil Division Class Code*/
@184 SDELM $5. /*School District (Elementary)*/
@189 SDSEC $5. /*School District (Secondary)*/
@194 SDUNI $5. /*School District (Unified)*/
@199 AREALAND $14. /*Area (Land)*/
@213 AREAWATR $14. /*Area (Water)*/
@227 NAME $90. /*Area Name-Legal/Statistical Area Description (LSAD) Term-Part Indicator*/
@317 FUNCSTAT $1. /*Functional Status Code*/
@318 GCUNI $1. /*Geographic Change User Note Indicator*/
@319 POP100 $9. /*Population Count (100%)*/
@328 HU100 $9. /*Housing Unit Count (100%)*/
@337 INTPTLAT $11. /*Internal Point (Latitude)*/
@348 INTPTLON $12. /*Internal Point (Longitude)*/
@360 LSADC $2. /*Legal/Statistical Area Description Code*/
@362 PARTFLAG $1. /*Part Flag*/
@363 RESERVE3 $6. /*Reserved*/
@369 UGA $5. /*Urban Growth Area*/
@374 STATENS $8. /*State (ANSI)*/
@382 COUNTYNS $8. /*County (ANSI)*/
@390 COUSUBNS $8. /*County Subdivision (ANSI)*/
@398 PLACENS $8. /*Place (ANSI)*/
@406 CONCITNS $8. /*Consolidated City (ANSI)*/
@414 AIANHHNS $8. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land (ANSI)*/
@422 AITSNS $8. /*American Indian Tribal Subdivision (ANSI)*/
@430 ANRCNS $8. /*Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANSI)*/
@438 SUBMCDNS $8. /*Subminor Civil Division (ANSI)*/
@446 CD113 $2. /*Congressional District (113th)*/
@448 CD114 $2. /*Congressional District (114th)*/
@450 CD115 $2. /*Congressional District (115th)*/
@452 SLDU2 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 2)*/
@455 SLDU3 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 3)*/
@458 SLDU4 $3. /*State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (Year 4)*/
@461 SLDL2 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 2)*/
@464 SLDL3 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 3)*/
@467 SLDL4 $3. /*State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (Year 4)*/
@470 AIANHHSC $2. /*American Indian Area/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Size Code*/
@472 CSASC $2. /*Combined Statistical Area Size Code*/
@474 CNECTASC $2. /*Combined NECTA Size Code*/
@476 MEMI $1. /*Metropolitan Micropolitan Indicator*/
@477 NMEMI $1. /*NECTA Metropolitan Micropolitan Indicator*/
@478 PUMA $5. /*Public Use Microdata Area*/
@483 RESERVED $18. /*Reserved*/;

data xyz.part1;
infile 'C:\' lrecl = 20000 dlm=',' dsd missover pad;
LENGTH FILEID $6 /*File Identification*/
STUSAB $2 /*State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)*/
CHARITER $3 /*Characteristic Iteration*/
CIFSN $2 /*Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number*/
LOGRECNO $7 /*Logical Record Number*/
P0010001 $9 /*P1-1: Total*/
P0010002 $9 /*P1-2: Population of one race*/
P0010003 $9 /*P1-3: White alone*/
P0010004 $9 /*P1-4: Black or African American alone*/
P0010005 $9 /*P1-5: American Indian and Alaska Native alone*/
P0010006 $9 /*P1-6: Asian alone*/
P0010007 $9 /*P1-7: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone*/
P0010008 $9 /*P1-8: Some other race alone*/
P0010009 $9 /*P1-9: Population of two or more races*/
P0010010 $9 /*P1-10: Population of two races*/
P0010011 $9 /*P1-11: White; Black or African American*/
P0010012 $9 /*P1-12: White; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0010013 $9 /*P1-13: White; Asian*/
P0010014 $9 /*P1-14: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010015 $9 /*P1-15: White; Some other race*/
P0010016 $9 /*P1-16: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0010017 $9 /*P1-17: Black or African American; Asian*/
P0010018 $9 /*P1-18: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010019 $9 /*P1-19: Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0010020 $9 /*P1-20: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0010021 $9 /*P1-21: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010022 $9 /*P1-22: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0010023 $9 /*P1-23: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010024 $9 /*P1-24: Asian; Some other race*/
P0010025 $9 /*P1-25: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010026 $9 /*P1-26: Population of three races*/
P0010027 $9 /*P1-27: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0010028 $9 /*P1-28: White; Black or African American; Asian*/
P0010029 $9 /*P1-29: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010030 $9 /*P1-30: White; Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0010031 $9 /*P1-31: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0010032 $9 /*P1-32: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010033 $9 /*P1-33: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0010034 $9 /*P1-34: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010035 $9 /*P1-35: White; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010036 $9 /*P1-36: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010037 $9 /*P1-37: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0010038 $9 /*P1-38: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010039 $9 /*P1-39: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0010040 $9 /*P1-40: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010041 $9 /*P1-41: Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010042 $9 /*P1-42: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010043 $9 /*P1-43: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010044 $9 /*P1-44: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010045 $9 /*P1-45: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010046 $9 /*P1-46: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010047 $9 /*P1-47: Population of four races*/
P0010048 $9 /*P1-48: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0010049 $9 /*P1-49: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010050 $9 /*P1-50: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0010051 $9 /*P1-51: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010052 $9 /*P1-52: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010053 $9 /*P1-53: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010054 $9 /*P1-54: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010055 $9 /*P1-55: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010056 $9 /*P1-56: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010057 $9 /*P1-57: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010058 $9 /*P1-58: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010059 $9 /*P1-59: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010060 $9 /*P1-60: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010061 $9 /*P1-61: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010062 $9 /*P1-62: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010063 $9 /*P1-63: Population of five races*/
P0010064 $9 /*P1-64: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0010065 $9 /*P1-65: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0010066 $9 /*P1-66: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010067 $9 /*P1-67: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010068 $9 /*P1-68: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010069 $9 /*P1-69: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0010070 $9 /*P1-70: Population of six races*/
P0010071 $9 /*P1-71: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020001 $9 /*P2-1: Total*/
P0020002 $9 /*P2-2: Hispanic or Latino*/
P0020003 $9 /*P2-3: Not Hispanic or Latino*/
P0020004 $9 /*P2-4: Population of one race*/
P0020005 $9 /*P2-5: White alone*/
P0020006 $9 /*P2-6: Black or African American alone*/
P0020007 $9 /*P2-7: American Indian and Alaska Native alone*/
P0020008 $9 /*P2-8: Asian alone*/
P0020009 $9 /*P2-9: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone*/
P0020010 $9 /*P2-10: Some other race alone*/
P0020011 $9 /*P2-11: Population of two or more races*/
P0020012 $9 /*P2-12: Population of two races*/
P0020013 $9 /*P2-13: White; Black or African American*/
P0020014 $9 /*P2-14: White; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0020015 $9 /*P2-15: White; Asian*/
P0020016 $9 /*P2-16: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020017 $9 /*P2-17: White; Some other race*/
P0020018 $9 /*P2-18: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0020019 $9 /*P2-19: Black or African American; Asian*/
P0020020 $9 /*P2-20: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020021 $9 /*P2-21: Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0020022 $9 /*P2-22: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0020023 $9 /*P2-23: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020024 $9 /*P2-24: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0020025 $9 /*P2-25: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020026 $9 /*P2-26: Asian; Some other race*/
P0020027 $9 /*P2-27: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020028 $9 /*P2-28: Population of three races*/
P0020029 $9 /*P2-29: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0020030 $9 /*P2-30: White; Black or African American; Asian*/
P0020031 $9 /*P2-31: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020032 $9 /*P2-32: White; Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0020033 $9 /*P2-33: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0020034 $9 /*P2-34: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020035 $9 /*P2-35: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0020036 $9 /*P2-36: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020037 $9 /*P2-37: White; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020038 $9 /*P2-38: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020039 $9 /*P2-39: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0020040 $9 /*P2-40: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020041 $9 /*P2-41: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0020042 $9 /*P2-42: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020043 $9 /*P2-43: Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020044 $9 /*P2-44: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020045 $9 /*P2-45: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020046 $9 /*P2-46: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020047 $9 /*P2-47: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020048 $9 /*P2-48: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020049 $9 /*P2-49: Population of four races*/
P0020050 $9 /*P2-50: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0020051 $9 /*P2-51: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020052 $9 /*P2-52: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0020053 $9 /*P2-53: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020054 $9 /*P2-54: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020055 $9 /*P2-55: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020056 $9 /*P2-56: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020057 $9 /*P2-57: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020058 $9 /*P2-58: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020059 $9 /*P2-59: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020060 $9 /*P2-60: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020061 $9 /*P2-61: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020062 $9 /*P2-62: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020063 $9 /*P2-63: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020064 $9 /*P2-64: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020065 $9 /*P2-65: Population of five races*/
P0020066 $9 /*P2-66: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0020067 $9 /*P2-67: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0020068 $9 /*P2-68: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020069 $9 /*P2-69: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020070 $9 /*P2-70: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020071 $9 /*P2-71: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0020072 $9 /*P2-72: Population of six races*/
P0020073 $9 /*P2-73: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/;
P0010001 $
P0010002 $
P0010003 $
P0010004 $
P0010005 $
P0010006 $
P0010007 $
P0010008 $
P0010009 $
P0010010 $
P0010011 $
P0010012 $
P0010013 $
P0010014 $
P0010015 $
P0010016 $
P0010017 $
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P0010019 $
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P0010022 $
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P0010026 $
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P0020071 $
P0020072 $
P0020073 $;

data xyz.part2;
infile 'C:\' lrecl=20000 dlm=',' dsd missover pad;
LENGTH FILEID $6 /*File Identification*/
STUSAB $2 /*State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)*/
CHARITER $3 /*Characteristic Iteration*/
CIFSN $2 /*Characteristic Iteration File Sequence Number*/
LOGRECNO $7 /*Logical Record Number*/
P0030001 $9 /*P3-1: Total*/
P0030002 $9 /*P3-2: Population of one race*/
P0030003 $9 /*P3-3: White alone*/
P0030004 $9 /*P3-4: Black or African American alone*/
P0030005 $9 /*P3-5: American Indian and Alaska Native alone*/
P0030006 $9 /*P3-6: Asian alone*/
P0030007 $9 /*P3-7: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone*/
P0030008 $9 /*P3-8: Some other race alone*/
P0030009 $9 /*P3-9: Population of two or more races*/
P0030010 $9 /*P3-10: Population of two races*/
P0030011 $9 /*P3-11: White; Black or African American*/
P0030012 $9 /*P3-12: White; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0030013 $9 /*P3-13: White; Asian*/
P0030014 $9 /*P3-14: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030015 $9 /*P3-15: White; Some other race*/
P0030016 $9 /*P3-16: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0030017 $9 /*P3-17: Black or African American; Asian*/
P0030018 $9 /*P3-18: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030019 $9 /*P3-19: Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0030020 $9 /*P3-20: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0030021 $9 /*P3-21: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030022 $9 /*P3-22: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0030023 $9 /*P3-23: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030024 $9 /*P3-24: Asian; Some other race*/
P0030025 $9 /*P3-25: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030026 $9 /*P3-26: Population of three races*/
P0030027 $9 /*P3-27: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0030028 $9 /*P3-28: White; Black or African American; Asian*/
P0030029 $9 /*P3-29: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030030 $9 /*P3-30: White; Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0030031 $9 /*P3-31: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0030032 $9 /*P3-32: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030033 $9 /*P3-33: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0030034 $9 /*P3-34: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030035 $9 /*P3-35: White; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030036 $9 /*P3-36: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030037 $9 /*P3-37: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0030038 $9 /*P3-38: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030039 $9 /*P3-39: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0030040 $9 /*P3-40: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030041 $9 /*P3-41: Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030042 $9 /*P3-42: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030043 $9 /*P3-43: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030044 $9 /*P3-44: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030045 $9 /*P3-45: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030046 $9 /*P3-46: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030047 $9 /*P3-47: Population of four races*/
P0030048 $9 /*P3-48: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0030049 $9 /*P3-49: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030050 $9 /*P3-50: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0030051 $9 /*P3-51: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030052 $9 /*P3-52: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030053 $9 /*P3-53: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030054 $9 /*P3-54: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030055 $9 /*P3-55: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030056 $9 /*P3-56: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030057 $9 /*P3-57: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030058 $9 /*P3-58: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030059 $9 /*P3-59: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030060 $9 /*P3-60: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030061 $9 /*P3-61: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030062 $9 /*P3-62: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030063 $9 /*P3-63: Population of five races*/
P0030064 $9 /*P3-64: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0030065 $9 /*P3-65: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0030066 $9 /*P3-66: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030067 $9 /*P3-67: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030068 $9 /*P3-68: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030069 $9 /*P3-69: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0030070 $9 /*P3-70: Population of six races*/
P0030071 $9 /*P3-71: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040001 $9 /*P4-1: Total*/
P0040002 $9 /*P4-2: Hispanic or Latino*/
P0040003 $9 /*P4-3: Not Hispanic or Latino*/
P0040004 $9 /*P4-4: Population of one race*/
P0040005 $9 /*P4-5: White alone*/
P0040006 $9 /*P4-6: Black or African American alone*/
P0040007 $9 /*P4-7: American Indian and Alaska Native alone*/
P0040008 $9 /*P4-8: Asian alone*/
P0040009 $9 /*P4-9: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone*/
P0040010 $9 /*P4-10: Some other race alone*/
P0040011 $9 /*P4-11: Population of two or more races*/
P0040012 $9 /*P4-12: Population of two races*/
P0040013 $9 /*P4-13: White; Black or African American*/
P0040014 $9 /*P4-14: White; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0040015 $9 /*P4-15: White; Asian*/
P0040016 $9 /*P4-16: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040017 $9 /*P4-17: White; Some other race*/
P0040018 $9 /*P4-18: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0040019 $9 /*P4-19: Black or African American; Asian*/
P0040020 $9 /*P4-20: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040021 $9 /*P4-21: Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0040022 $9 /*P4-22: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0040023 $9 /*P4-23: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040024 $9 /*P4-24: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0040025 $9 /*P4-25: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040026 $9 /*P4-26: Asian; Some other race*/
P0040027 $9 /*P4-27: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040028 $9 /*P4-28: Population of three races*/
P0040029 $9 /*P4-29: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native*/
P0040030 $9 /*P4-30: White; Black or African American; Asian*/
P0040031 $9 /*P4-31: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040032 $9 /*P4-32: White; Black or African American; Some other race*/
P0040033 $9 /*P4-33: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0040034 $9 /*P4-34: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040035 $9 /*P4-35: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0040036 $9 /*P4-36: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040037 $9 /*P4-37: White; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040038 $9 /*P4-38: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040039 $9 /*P4-39: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0040040 $9 /*P4-40: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040041 $9 /*P4-41: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0040042 $9 /*P4-42: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040043 $9 /*P4-43: Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040044 $9 /*P4-44: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040045 $9 /*P4-45: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040046 $9 /*P4-46: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040047 $9 /*P4-47: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040048 $9 /*P4-48: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040049 $9 /*P4-49: Population of four races*/
P0040050 $9 /*P4-50: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian*/
P0040051 $9 /*P4-51: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040052 $9 /*P4-52: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some other race*/
P0040053 $9 /*P4-53: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040054 $9 /*P4-54: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040055 $9 /*P4-55: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040056 $9 /*P4-56: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040057 $9 /*P4-57: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040058 $9 /*P4-58: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040059 $9 /*P4-59: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040060 $9 /*P4-60: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040061 $9 /*P4-61: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040062 $9 /*P4-62: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040063 $9 /*P4-63: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040064 $9 /*P4-64: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040065 $9 /*P4-65: Population of five races*/
P0040066 $9 /*P4-66: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander*/
P0040067 $9 /*P4-67: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some other race*/
P0040068 $9 /*P4-68: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040069 $9 /*P4-69: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040070 $9 /*P4-70: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040071 $9 /*P4-71: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
P0040072 $9 /*P4-72: Population of six races*/
P0040073 $9 /*P4-73: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some other race*/
H0010001 $9 /*H1-1: Total*/
H0010002 $9 /*H1-2: Occupied*/
H0010003 $9 /*H1-3: Vacant*/ ;
P0030001 $
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P0040073 $
H0010001 $
H0010002 $
H0010003 $;
proc sort;
  by logrecno;
proc sort data=xyz.part1;
  by logrecno;
proc sort data=xyz.part2;
  by logrecno;
data xyz.combine;
  merge xyz.header (in=in1) xyz.part1 (in=in2) xyz.part2 (in=in3);
  by logrecno;
  if not (in1 and in2 and in3) then
    if not in1 then put 'Logrecno is not in header at line ' _n_;
    if not in2 then put 'Logrecno is not in part1 at line ' _n_;
    if not in3 then put 'Logrecno is not in part2 at line ' _n_;

/*end of code*/

if you have done this locally then you can bring this result on the server by using SASEG TASKS>DATA>UPLOAD DATA FILES TO SERVER...

good lk!

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