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2nd Place Winner - 2023 Customer Awards: BOTAŞ - SAS Analytics Explorers Advocate
Fluorite | Level 6

Company: BOTAŞ

Company background: Energy Company

Contact: Tarik Arayi



Country: Turkey

Award Category: SAS Analytics Explorers Advocate

How has SAS Analytics Explorers benefited your career?
I met SAS Analytics Explorers when our company just bought SAS software. Thanks to a lot of content and videos featuring SAS applications, I gained insight into the software and the community that uses it. It helped me learn tips and new features.

What is your favorite challenge you've completed in the program?
Ask The Expert Webinar Series

How have you shared the program with other users at your organization?
I explained the benefits of the application to my friends working in our company and I became a reference to join the community, some of them did.

What is your favorite reward you've earned?
Awards I received as e-books.

1 Comment
SAS Employee

Good Job! Congratulations