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SAS Viya Cloud Data Exchange Deployment and Configuration (Part-2)

Started ‎07-05-2023 by
Modified ‎08-16-2023 by
Views 2,247

This is the second part of the series “SAS Viya Cloud Data Exchange deployment and configuration”.


The SAS Viya Cloud Data Exchange software is available with most of the SAS Viya bundle license. There is no separate license for Cloud Data Exchange components like Co-located Data Agent and Remote Data Agent services.


SAS Viya Cloud Data exchange have two types of Data Agents.


  • Co-located Data Agent - Reside at SAS Viya platform environment.
  • Remote Data Agent - Hosted at on-premises data center.

In last post, I discuss about Co-located Data Agent deployment and configuration. In this post I discuss Remote Data Agent deployment and configuration at on-premises server.


Deployment and configuration of Remote Data Agent Service

The Remote Data Agent is a containerized software and runs with docker runtime. The Remote Data Agent software and components are delivered by using container-manager. It’s a SAS provided tool available at and can be download using standard user profile. You need to download container-manager, Viya Asset ( zip file ), and Viya License file from to deploy Remote Data Agent at on-premises server.


You can deploy more than one Remote Data Agent on on-premises server with same Viya license. More than one Remote Data Agent can be associated with one single Viya platform.



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Pre-requisite for on-premises server to host Remote Data Agent

  • Co-located Data Agent at Viya platform configured with data agent credential.
  • Docker Version 18.09.6 or later
  • Container Manager utility tool (Zip file)
  • SAS Viya License and Asset file (Zip file)
  • SSL Certificate for Remote Data Agent Server
  • Public Ip for On-Premises Remote Data Agent Server
  • On-Premises Firewall open for port used by the Remote Data agent ( Default #25141)


Steps to deploy and configure the Remote Data Agent Server.


Generate SSL certificate for Remote Data Agent Server

The Remote Data Agent communicate with Viya platform over a secured and encrypted network connection. To facilitate the secured and compatible connection the Remote Data Agent service SSL certificate must be signed by the same root cert authority who have signed for Viya platform. You can use self-signed certificate to start the Remote Data Agent service, but it’s recommended to customer provided Certificate. The Certificate could be generated using a third-party vendor tool or using open SSL tool.


Following are the steps to create a customized SSL Certificate for Remote Data Agent.


Create a Certificate Signing Request. 


openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ~/certs/rda.key -out ~/certs/rda.csr \
-subj "/C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Cary/O=SAS/CN=$REMOTE_SERVER" \
-passout pass:mypass


Sign the CSR using the root CA private key and certificate.


While signing the certificate, you include the Remote Data Agent server Public IP and Private Ip addresses.


 openssl x509 -req -extensions v3_ca \
-extfile <(echo "[v3_ca]"; echo "extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth"; echo "subjectAltName=DNS:${REMOTE_SERVER},DNS:*.${REMOTE_SERVER},IP:${REMOTE_SERV_PUBIP},IP:${REMOTE_SERV_PVTIP}") \
-days 820 -in ~/certs/rda.csr -CAkey ~/certs/ca_key.pem -CA ~/certs/ca_cert.pem -out ~/certs/rda.pem -passin pass:mypass


Create a certificate container file.


openssl pkcs12 -export -out ~/certs/certificate.pfx -inkey ~/certs/rda.key -in ~/certs/rda.pem \
-certfile ~/certs/ca_cert.pem -passout pass:mypass -passin pass:mypass


Extract the private key and Certificate from container file.


openssl pkcs12 -in ~/certs/certificate.pfx -nocerts -out ~/certs/mykey.pem -nodes -passin pass:mypass
openssl pkcs12 -in ~/certs/certificate.pfx -nokeys -out ~/certs/chain.pem -passin pass:mypass


At the end of this process, you obtain the mykey.pem and chain.pem file for Remote Data Agent Service configuration.


Create specific folder structure at Remote Data Agent Server

To run the Remote Data Agent services, it requires a specific folder structure owned by user:group 1001:1001. The required files like SSL Cert file, Viya Asset License file, Container Manager runtime, and Data Agent config filers needs to be placed under specific folder. In the following example the deploy folder name could be anything like “CDERemoteDA_Deploy” , but underneath subfolder name has to be same as listed here.


cd ~
mkdir CDERemoteDA_Deploy
cd CDERemoteDA_Deploy
sudo mkdir -m 700 sasdata
sudo mkdir -m 700 sasdata/data
sudo chown 1001:1001 -R sasdata/


Copy SSL Certificate to Remote Data Agent deploy folder

Copy/move the SSL certificate to Remote Data Agent deploy folder. You can have your own certificate or generate by using above steps described. Change the owner and group of files to 1001:1001.


cp ~/cert/mykey.pem ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/sasdata/mykey.pem
cp ~/cert/chain.pem ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/sasdata/chain.pem
sudo chown 1001:1001 -R ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/sasdata/


Copy Viya Asset, License file, and Container Manager file to Remote Data Agent deploy folder

Copy/move the Viya asset, license, and container manager files to the Remote Data Agent deploy folder, files downloaded from site. I am assuming downloaded files are under ~/mydownload folder at Remote Data Agent Server. The following is the example asset file and license name. Notice the folder location is different from last step.


cp ~/mydownload/ ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/
cp ~/mydownload/SASViyaV4_9CV11D_license.jwt ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/
cp ~/mydownload/containermgr-linux.tgz ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/


Deploy Remote Data Agent container image by using container manager

The container manager will deploy the Remote Data Agent container image from to on-premises server. If you have a local container image repositor, you can use e.g. --image-repository ; to deploy the container images. The deployment process use the SAS Viya asset file to fetch the compatible software.


cd ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy/
tar xvf containermgr-linux.tgz

./container-manager install --deployment-data sas-data-agent-server-remote


Copy and update Remote Data Agent properties files to deploy folder

When you run container manager to deploy Remote Data Agent container image, it also provide a sample configuration file. You copy these files and update as per your environment. The sample config files are located under ~/.sas-container-manager/sas-data-agent-server-remote/stable/files/.


cd ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy
cp ~/.sas-container-manager/sas-data-agent-server-remote/stable/files/* .


Update da-vars.env file


The da-vars.env file is meant for system level configuration of Remote Data Agent. The configuration file includes variable like corresponding Viya Service URL and OAuth secret used at co-lcoated data agent configuration. The Secret must match with the Co-located Data Agent configuration parameter. This config file also contains the location and file name of SSL certificate and key for Remote Data Agent server.


Following is the example from da-vars.env.


# update the SAS_DA_SERVICES_URL= from your Viya Platform URL. The listed value is just as an example.


# The SAS_DA_OAUTH_SECRET= hasa the same value what you have it for CDA configuration file at Viya Platform .
# The Cert file is the copy of same file used at Viya platform


# Update SAS_DA_RESTRICT_CONTENT_ROOT= with value as FALSE , which will allow data access from folder other than /data folder.
# By default RDA can read and write data files to /sasdata/data/ CDE deploy folder.By Putting "FALSE" you can use other folder as well.


Start Remote Data Agent Container Service

Copy/move the Viya asset, license, and container manager files to the Remote Data Agent deploy folder, files downloaded from site. I am assuming downloaded files are under ~/mydownload folder at Remote Data Agent Server. The following is the example asset file and license name. Notice the folder location is different from last step.


cd ~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy

./container-manager start \
--license-path SASViyaV4_9CV11D_license.jwt \
--sasdata sasdata \
--vars da-vars.env \
--data sasdata/data \
--access-vars \


Verify Remote Data Agent service log

You can view and verify the log of Remote Data Agent service by using docker statement. The log includes all the steps performed to start the Remote Data agent service.


jumpuser@p03089-jump-vm:~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy$ docker logs sas-data-agent-server-remote
{"level":"info","message":"Starting Vault....","properties":{"caller":"","logger":"Script","pod":"sas-data-agent-server-remote","sessionUser":"Script:sas","thread":"00000000"},"source":"dagentsrv","timeStamp":"2023-05-10T16:22:39.421542+00:00","version":1}
{"level":"info","message":"SAH061999I Server SAS Data Agent, State, running","properties":{"caller":"tkecrapp.c:270","logger":"Admin.Operations","pod":"sas-data-agent-server-remote","sessionUser":"Server:sas","thread":"00000005"},"source":"dagentsrv","timeStamp":"2023-05-10T16:22:59.704000+00:00","version":1}


Verify the network access between Remote Data Agent and Viya Platform

Once Remote Data Agent container service is up and running at on-premises server. You should verify the access path between Remote Data Agent and Viya platform. The verification process will prove whether SSL certificate is working or not with port open at on-premises firewall. The verification steps include the execution of curl statement at SAS Viya pod container to access Remote data agent container and vice -versa.


At Viya Platform hop onto data agent container and execute Curl Statement to Remote Data Agent container.


[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ kubectl get pods -n gelenv | grep data-agent
sas-data-agent-server-colocated-0 1/1 Running 0 99m
sas-data-agent-services-d77bcf87c-jxr5v 1/1 Running 0 100m
[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$


cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$
[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ kubectl exec -i -t -n gelenv sas-data-agent-services-d77bcf87c-jxr5v -c sas-data-agent-services -- sh -c "(bash || ash || sh)"

## Once you are in the Pod’s shell, run the curl statement with Remote Data Agent public/pvtIp and port.

bash-4.4$ curl -kv
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 25141 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
CApath: none
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):


At Remote Data Agent server, hop onto Remote Data Agent container and execute Curl Statement to access SAS Viya platform (SAS Viya Service URL). You need to update the AKS cluster Security Network Group (NSG) to include the incoming traffic from Remote Data agent Ips.


jumpuser@p03173-jump-vm:~/CDERemoteDA_Deploy$ docker exec -it sas-data-agent-server-remote bash

bash-4.4$ curl -kv
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
CApath: none
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, [no content] (0):


Register the Remote Data Agent server to Viya Platform

With successful access path verification between Remote Data Agent Server and Viya platform your Viya environment is ready to register a Remote Data Agent server. The Data Agent registration enables SAS compute server and CAS to access the data located at on-premises server using Remote Data Agent Data Sources.


The sas-viya CLI is the interface to administer CDE Data Agent Service. Before you can use the CLI you need to authenticated against the SAS Service URL .


[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ export SSL_CERT_FILE=~/.certs/my_trustedcerts.pem
[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya auth login --user --password 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
Enter credentials for
Login succeeded. Token saved.
[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$


While registering, use the Public Ip (or Pvt Ip) address of Remote Data Agent server along with the Port # which is open at on-premises Firewall.


sas-viya dagentsrv servers register --name sas-data-agent-server-remote --address --context-root rda


Execute few CLI statement to access the Remote Data Agent components. The successful execution of these statement verifies that the environment configuration is good and it’s ready for various data source ( SAS datasets, Oracle etc… ).


[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya profile set-output text

[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya dagentsrv servers set-default --data-agent sas-data-agent-server-remote
The default data agent server was successfully set.

[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya dagentsrv server list
Name Host Port Attributes
sas-data-agent-server-colocated 443 contextroot=dataAgentServerColocated;ssl=Y
sas-data-agent-server-remote 25141 contextroot=rda;ssl=Y

[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya -k dagentsrv data-sources list
Name ID Type

[cloud-user@pdcesx03089 ~]$ sas-viya -k dagentsrv services list
Name Type Domain Version Options
BASE base --- 2.5 ---


Next, stay tuned-in for post on various data source configuration at Remote Data Agent server .


Many thanks to Brian Hess for sharing the expert knowledge and help on this post.


Important Links:

Cloud Data Exchange for the SAS Viya Platform

SAS Viya Cloud Data Exchange Deployment and Configuration (Part -1)




Thank you @UttamKumar  for such a wonderful article.
I have some doubt about the following step

sudo chown 1001:1001 -R sasdata/\

You have some specific user in mind? The one who runs the commands or something else?



The  gid and uid ( 1001:1001 ) is for user group 'sas' and user 'sas'.  The Remotre Data Agent container requires that the deployment folder owned by user sas:sas. If 1001:1001 (gid &uid) is already taken by  some other user, no probs !  as long as you have user sas:sas on the OS ( even with diffrent gid/uid), it will work . The RDA deployment folder must be owned by user sas:sas.

In such case, the chown statement would be like : 

sudo chown sas:sas -R sasdata/\



Version history
Last update:
‎08-16-2023 10:39 AM
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