Hi all,
I thought of writing a macro code which can export all the datasets from a library into an excel file.
Here is the code that does the task well.
/* Define macro for export */
%macro autoexp(File, libnm);
%let libval=%upcase(&libnm);
proc sql;
create table tables as
libname, memname from
where libname="&libval" & memtype="DATA"; * Use double quote only in macros ;
data tab;
set tables;
dnm=trim(libname)|| '.' || trim(memname);
proc sql noprint;
select dnm into :dnams separated by '*' from tab;
/* Export from datasets one by one into the excel file */
%let i=1;
%let dns= %scan(&dnams, &i, %str(*) );
%do %while (&dns ne );
%let sh=%scan(&dns,2);
proc export data=&dns outfile="&file" dbms=excel replace;
%let i=%eval(&i+1);
%let dns= %scan(&dnams, &i, %str(*) );
%mend autoexp;
/* Calling */
%autoexp(d:\sas output\mass export.xls , syst);
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