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Ammonite | Level 13

There are cleaner ways, but I have to run to a meeting, and this is the way I remember off of the top of my head.  Your SAS/GRAPH statements have no effect on ODS Graphics.

data new;
 input Year li ui;
 v = 'v';
 c = '^';
2015       1200       1360
2014       1170       1330
2013       1170       1330
2012       1140       1330
2011       1130       1320
2010       1110       1310
2009       1140       1310
2008       1120       1290
2007       1130       1300
2006       1150       1310

ods html body='b.html';
proc sgplot data =new noautolegend;
  scatter x=year y=li / markerchar=v;
  scatter x=year y=ui / markerchar=c;
ods html close;
Obsidian | Level 7
​Thanks a lot Warren. This is excellent but how can I add the confidence
limits (clm cli)? Are these options are only available using "reg"?

I think you might enjoy reading a basic introduction to the SG (=statistical graphics) procedures. It will give you an understanding of how different statements work. 


Obsidian | Level 7
Thanks a lot, Rick!
Obsidian | Level 7


I figured out the issue, my mistake and THANKS for your help.


Ammonite | Level 13
proc sgplot data=new noautolegend nocycleattrs;
  symbolchar char='2038'x name=c;
  symbolchar char='0087'x name=v;
  reg x=year y=li / cli clm nomarkers;
  reg x=year y=ui / cli clm nomarkers;
  scatter x=year y=li / markerchar=v;
  scatter x=year y=ui / markerchar=c;
Obsidian | Level 7
Thanks Warren but the code did not work! I appreciate your help.
Ammonite | Level 13

It makes regression lines, confidence limits, prediction limits, and the special symbols that you want.  Either you are using a really old SAS release that does not support the statements I provided, or I don't know what you want.  Either way, I tested my code, and it does work.  Rick gave you some references.  I also suggest searches for the "SAS Graphically Speaking" blog and my basic book "Basic ODS Graphics Examples".  Cheers.

Obsidian | Level 7
Thanks Warren. I use SAS 9.4 and it does support all these commands. I went
through the refs but not much I could get for this specific problem. I
re-run the code again very carefully and I received the error messages:

ERROR: Variable V not found.
ERROR: Variable C not found.

This is the full code I am using:

data new;
input year lq uq;
2015 1200 1360
2014 1170 1330
2013 1170 1330
2012 1140 1330
2011 1130 1320
2010 1110 1310
2009 1140 1310
2008 1120 1290
2007 1130 1300
2006 1150 1310
proc sgplot data=new noautolegend nocycleattrs;
symbolchar char='2038'x name=c;
symbolchar char='0087'x name=v;
reg x=year y=lq / cli clm nomarkers;
reg x=year y=uq / cli clm nomarkers;
scatter x=year y=lq / markerchar=v;
scatter x=year y=uq / markerchar=c;
Ammonite | Level 13

Ask yourself why you got that message.  Look at the data set.  Are those variables there?  Then what can you do?  Was there a different version that has them there?  I could tell you precisely what to do but if you are going to become a productive SAS user, you need to learn to carefully look at what is going on in your code.

Obsidian | Level 7

I believe the variables c and v need to be added to the dataset but I am not sure about the right way of adding them.

I use this other code:


symbolchar char='2038'x;
symbolchar char='0087'x;

proc gplot data=new;
plot lq*year ;
plot2 uq*year ;


I think I need y on x-axis and the two variables lq and uq on the y-axis.

Meteorite | Level 14

I am not sure of intention with this code, but, the SCATTER statement should likely have MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=c).

Obsidian | Level 7

Hi Sanjay,

The original question is I am trying to prepare a scatterplot with the lower quartile (lq) on the vertical axis versus the year on the horizontal axis and to mark these observations on the plot with the character v.  Also on the same plot, I need to show the upper quartile (uq) plotted against the year and to mark these points with a ^. I am interested in showing confidence intervals or prediction intervals on a plot.


I used this code as you recommended:


data new;
input year lq uq;
2015 1200 1360
2014 1170 1330
2013 1170 1330
2012 1140 1330
2011 1130 1320
2010 1110 1310
2009 1140 1310
2008 1120 1290
2007 1130 1300
2006 1150 1310
proc sgplot data=new noautolegend nocycleattrs;
symbolchar char='2038'x name=c;
symbolchar char='0087'x name=v;
reg x=year y=lq / cli clm nomarkers;
reg x=year y=uq / cli clm nomarkers;
scatter x=year y=lq / MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=c);
scatter x=year y=uq / MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=v);


It runs but I still did not get the symbol charater ^ or v for either variable. And the uq does not appear on the y-axis?

Meteorite | Level 14

This works with my SAS 9.40M3 version.  Should work with any SAS 9.4.  I used Microsoft's Character map app to find the encoding for the characters you want.  I also increased the marker size as the characters occupy only a small part of the character space.   Note, with characters, the center of the character bounding box will go at the (x, y) location.  So, if your character is offset, "v" is likely offset down, and "^" is likely offset up, you will get them off the (x, y) value a bit.  You can use the options on the SYMBOLCHAR statement (hoffset, voffset, rotate, scale) to position them correctly.  You can increase the SIZE option to see them more clearly.







proc sgplot data=new noautolegend nocycleattrs;
symbolchar char='005e'x name=c;
symbolchar char='0076'x name=v;
reg x=year y=lq / cli clm nomarkers;
reg x=year y=uq / cli clm nomarkers;
scatter x=year y=lq / MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=c size=30);
scatter x=year y=uq / MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=v size=25);

Meteorite | Level 14

You really only need:


proc sgplot data=new noautolegend nocycleattrs;
symbolchar char='005e'x name=c;
symbolchar char='0076'x name=v;
reg x=year y=lq / cli clm MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=c size=30);
reg x=year y=uq / cli clm MARKERATTRS=(SYMBOL=v size=25);



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