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Obsidian | Level 7

I have a data set and have created new columns from an original column called "Africa". This cell contained several variables together that I wanted to isolate and place the new variables into new columns e.g. Africa1, Africa2, etc.


E.g Africa= "Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2)

      Africa1 = "Banking & Finance (Band 3)"

      Africa2 = "Corporate/M&A (Band 2)"


Once I have done this I want to create a unique column that merges together the region and sector: E,g Africa_BF (this searches for Africa and Banking and Finance variable) that reads all the columns in Africa (1,2,3..) to put them into the new column. I populate the new column with the band numeric and hence the scan function. When creating the new column my code looks like the below:


if index(upcase(africa_wide1),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide1,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide2),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide2,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide3),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide3,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide4),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide4,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide5),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide5,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide6),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide6,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide7),'BANKING & FINANCE')>0 then Africa_BF=scan(africa_wide7,-1);

if index(upcase(africa_wide1),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide1,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide2),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide2,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide3),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide3,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide4),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide4,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide5),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide5,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide6),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide6,-1);
if index(upcase(africa_wide7),'CORPORATE/M&A')>0 then Africa_Corp_MA=scan(africa_wide7,-1);


There are roughly 80 regions and 40 sector types that would mean I would have to write code for hundreds of columns. Is there a more efficient way to do this? For each region there would be 40 possible outcomes of Sector/Region.


Many Thanks


Accepted Solutions
Barite | Level 11
Normalizing a fat variable into key/value pairs



Up to 40 obs WORK.HAVE total obs=2


 Firm1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)
 Firm2    Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3)

WANT (if you move the output statement inside the loop you will get the form you wanted or transpose want)

Up to 40 obs WORK.WANT total obs=7

Obs    FIRM      NAME      PROJECTS                                         BAND

 1     Firm1    AFRICA1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3)                            3
 2     Firm1    AFRICA2    Dispute Resolution (Band 2)                       2
 3     Firm1    AFRICA3    Projects & Energy (Band 3)                        3
 4     Firm1    AFRICA4    Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)     3

 5     Firm2    AFRICA1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3)                            3
 6     Firm2    AFRICA2    Dispute Resolution (Band 2)                       2
 7     Firm2    AFRICA3    Projects & Energy (Band 3)                        3

proc transpose data=want out=wantxpo;
by firm;
var band;
id projects;

                          CORPORATE_      DISPUTE_      PROJECTS___     ENERGY__
                          M_A__BAND_    RESOLUTION__     ENERGY__       MINING___
Obs    FIRM     _NAME_        3_          BAND_2_         BAND_3_         MINE

 1     Firm1     BAND         3              2               3              3
 2     Firm2     BAND         3              2               3


     * dimension (permax) are the max number of projects acroos all firs;

      array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
      array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;


*                _              _       _
 _ __ ___   __ _| | _____    __| | __ _| |_ __ _
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | |/ / _ \  / _` |/ _` | __/ _` |
| | | | | | (_| |   <  __/ | (_| | (_| | || (_| |
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___|  \__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_|


data have;
 firm             ='Firm1';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 africa1          ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3)';
 africa2          ='Dispute Resolution (Band 2)';
 africa3          ='Projects & Energy (Band 3)';
 africa4          ='Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 africa_corp      =3;
 africa_resolut   =2;
 africa_nrgy_mine =3;
 africa_nrgy_mine =3;

data have;
 firm             ='Firm1';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 firm             ='Firm2';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3)';

*          _       _   _
 ___  ___ | |_   _| |_(_) ___  _ __
/ __|/ _ \| | | | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
\__ \ (_) | | |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
|___/\___/|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|


data want;
  * you need to know the maximum number of africas, ie africa1-africa9?;
  if _n_ = 0 then do;
      proc sql;
         select max(percnt) into :permax separated by ""
         from (select countc(africa_wide,".") + 1 as percnt from have group by firm)
  put "&&permax";
  length projects $64;
  set have;
  array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
  array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;
  do i = 1 to  countc(africa_wide,'.') + 1;
  keep firm name projects band;;

3686  data want;
3687    length project $64;
3688    * you need to know the maximum number of africas, ie africa1-africa9?;
3689    if _n_ = 0 then do;
3690      rc=%sysfunc(dosubl('
NOTE: A GROUP BY clause has been discarded because neither the SELECT clause nor the optional
      HAVING clause of the associated table-expression referenced a summary function.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.03 seconds
      user cpu time       0.00 seconds
      system cpu time     0.01 seconds
      memory              3727.00k
      OS Memory           20468.00k
      Timestamp           04/11/2017 04:01:10 PM
      Step Count                        338  Switch Count  0

3691        proc sql;
3692           select max(percnt) into :permax separated by ""
3693           from (select countc(africa_wide,".") + 1 as percnt from have group by firm)
3694        ;quit;
3695      '));
3696    end;
SYMBOLGEN:  && resolves to &.
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3697    put "&&permax";
3698    set have;
3699    array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3700    array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3701    do i = 1 to  countc(africa_wide,'.') + 1;
3702      africas[i]=scan(africa_wide,i,'.');
3703      africasvals[i]=compress(africas[i],,'kd');
3704      name=vname(africas[i]);
3705      projects=africas[i];
3706      band=compress(africas[i],,'kd');
3707      output;
3708    end;
3709    keep firm name projects band;;
3710  run;

NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 7 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

View solution in original post

Diamond | Level 26 RW9
Diamond | Level 26

First SAS Macro is not needed!

Look up array processing, something like:

data want;
  set have;
  array vals{*} africa_wide:;
  do i=1 to dim(vals);
    if vals{i}...;

If you post test data in the form of a datastep then more acurate code can be provided.

Obsidian | Level 7



Please find attached test data. This is the desired output. In essence, rather than write out all of the IF statements to populate the new columns I wondered if there was a more efficient alternative? By creating the new columns like Africa_BF it would allow me to eye-ball the data across all of the the different firms in column A and compare. The problem I have is that for each region there would be 80 columns for each one.


Thank you

Jade | Level 19

Post data as text not XL and not attachement.

Obsidian | Level 7

Please see the text below as one example:


Firm NameAfrica-wideAfrica_wide1Africa_wide2Africa_wide3Africa-Wide - Corporate/MAAfrica-Wide - Dispute ResolutionAfrica-Wide - Projects & Energy
Firm1Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)Corporate/M&A (Band 3)Dispute Resolution (Band 2)Projects & Energy (Band 3)323



Here's a suggestion that I think will make life much easier. 


Change the structure of the data.  Instead of creating a variable named Africa_wide_1, create a variable named (something like) Africa_wide_Corporate_MA.  Put the data into the right variable to begin with.  Your subsequent processing will be (relatively) easy if there is only one variable that holds 'Corporate M&A/(Band #)'.

Barite | Level 11
Normalizing a fat variable into key/value pairs



Up to 40 obs WORK.HAVE total obs=2


 Firm1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)
 Firm2    Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3)

WANT (if you move the output statement inside the loop you will get the form you wanted or transpose want)

Up to 40 obs WORK.WANT total obs=7

Obs    FIRM      NAME      PROJECTS                                         BAND

 1     Firm1    AFRICA1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3)                            3
 2     Firm1    AFRICA2    Dispute Resolution (Band 2)                       2
 3     Firm1    AFRICA3    Projects & Energy (Band 3)                        3
 4     Firm1    AFRICA4    Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)     3

 5     Firm2    AFRICA1    Corporate/M&A (Band 3)                            3
 6     Firm2    AFRICA2    Dispute Resolution (Band 2)                       2
 7     Firm2    AFRICA3    Projects & Energy (Band 3)                        3

proc transpose data=want out=wantxpo;
by firm;
var band;
id projects;

                          CORPORATE_      DISPUTE_      PROJECTS___     ENERGY__
                          M_A__BAND_    RESOLUTION__     ENERGY__       MINING___
Obs    FIRM     _NAME_        3_          BAND_2_         BAND_3_         MINE

 1     Firm1     BAND         3              2               3              3
 2     Firm2     BAND         3              2               3


     * dimension (permax) are the max number of projects acroos all firs;

      array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
      array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;


*                _              _       _
 _ __ ___   __ _| | _____    __| | __ _| |_ __ _
| '_ ` _ \ / _` | |/ / _ \  / _` |/ _` | __/ _` |
| | | | | | (_| |   <  __/ | (_| | (_| | || (_| |
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___|  \__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_|


data have;
 firm             ='Firm1';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 africa1          ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3)';
 africa2          ='Dispute Resolution (Band 2)';
 africa3          ='Projects & Energy (Band 3)';
 africa4          ='Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 africa_corp      =3;
 africa_resolut   =2;
 africa_nrgy_mine =3;
 africa_nrgy_mine =3;

data have;
 firm             ='Firm1';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3).Projects & Energy: Mining & Minerals (Band 3)';
 firm             ='Firm2';
 africa_wide      ='Corporate/M&A (Band 3).Dispute Resolution (Band 2).Projects & Energy (Band 3)';

*          _       _   _
 ___  ___ | |_   _| |_(_) ___  _ __
/ __|/ _ \| | | | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
\__ \ (_) | | |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
|___/\___/|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|


data want;
  * you need to know the maximum number of africas, ie africa1-africa9?;
  if _n_ = 0 then do;
      proc sql;
         select max(percnt) into :permax separated by ""
         from (select countc(africa_wide,".") + 1 as percnt from have group by firm)
  put "&&permax";
  length projects $64;
  set have;
  array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
  array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;
  do i = 1 to  countc(africa_wide,'.') + 1;
  keep firm name projects band;;

3686  data want;
3687    length project $64;
3688    * you need to know the maximum number of africas, ie africa1-africa9?;
3689    if _n_ = 0 then do;
3690      rc=%sysfunc(dosubl('
NOTE: A GROUP BY clause has been discarded because neither the SELECT clause nor the optional
      HAVING clause of the associated table-expression referenced a summary function.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.03 seconds
      user cpu time       0.00 seconds
      system cpu time     0.01 seconds
      memory              3727.00k
      OS Memory           20468.00k
      Timestamp           04/11/2017 04:01:10 PM
      Step Count                        338  Switch Count  0

3691        proc sql;
3692           select max(percnt) into :permax separated by ""
3693           from (select countc(africa_wide,".") + 1 as percnt from have group by firm)
3694        ;quit;
3695      '));
3696    end;
SYMBOLGEN:  && resolves to &.
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3697    put "&&permax";
3698    set have;
3699    array africas[&permax] $64 africa1-africa&permax;
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3700    array africasvals[&permax] $5 africasvals1-africasvals&permax;
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PERMAX resolves to 4
3701    do i = 1 to  countc(africa_wide,'.') + 1;
3702      africas[i]=scan(africa_wide,i,'.');
3703      africasvals[i]=compress(africas[i],,'kd');
3704      name=vname(africas[i]);
3705      projects=africas[i];
3706      band=compress(africas[i],,'kd');
3707      output;
3708    end;
3709    keep firm name projects band;;
3710  run;

NOTE: There were 2 observations read from the data set WORK.HAVE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 7 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

Obsidian | Level 7

Thanks very much for your help

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