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Calcite | Level 5

I have a base master table of about 150 million rows.  I have a series of about 20 different tables that I need to link into the master table in order to fill out additional columns.  These additional tables range in size from 500 rows to 30 million rows.  Each one has a unique key that can be used to link to the master table.  What is my best bet in creating one massive base table with all the columns I need filled out?  I have tried a series of inner and left joins through proc sql but it takes way too long, probably 20-30 hours if I let it continue to run.


I am a SAS novice but have a good understanding of SQL.  Any tips for me?

Barite | Level 11

Try to make use of user formats that will help you to avoid joining some of the tables. There are ways to use proc format for data merges. This solution would not be applied for all 20 tables but atleast you reduce some joins.


Suppose I have column having city name and I want to join to table to get country name. This can be done using proc format and you can avoid merging of table.

Tourmaline | Level 20
If you have lot of RAM try data step hash tabled. Should be fast, but a bit more complicated programming compared to SQL.
Data never sleeps
Super User

I concur with @RahulG It sounds like you have a fact table and corresponding dimensions. If any are slowly changing dims you'll need to join those but for the others you should be able to apply format and avoid a join. 



If you really must do this in SQL, and there is a common id var, then you might save time by joining the smaller tables first. then join the result to the master table.


Are all the tables to be joined on the same ID variable?  And is it unique?


Another alternative is to consider a DATA step with a merge statement.  Again if (1) you have a common ID var accross all tables, and (2) ID's are unique within each table, then you could do the following;


1. Sort each dataset by ID, then run this data step:

     data want;

      merge master table1 table2 .... table20;

      by id;



The issue will be how long sorting those data sets will take..





The hash OUTPUT method will overwrite a SAS data set, but not append. That can be costly. Consider voting for Add a HASH object method which would append a hash object to an existing SAS data set

Would enabling PROC SORT to simultaneously output multiple datasets be useful? Then vote for
Allow PROC SORT to output multiple datasets

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

You want to "Create one massive base table with all the columns I need filled out." Do you want to insert Rows from the 20 different tables into the Master table based on the Unique Key? Are these Rows from 20 tables FILL the EMPTY slots(assuming that Unique Keys are spreadout in the Master)? Will there be any collision possible? Does your unique is Numeric?


Can you show some dummy records of Master? Also two of the other tables each not having more than 2 records.



Meteorite | Level 14

As you said your master table has 150 million and the tables to join has less than 30 million. I suggest you to use data step hash tables. This is the more efficient way. The good thing in using hash tables is the data is not needed to sort which saves lot of time.

Barite | Level 11
SAS/WPS: Update master using 23 dimension tables 14 minutes not 20-30 hrs

This is not a big data problem.

inspired by

I have a base master table of about 150 million rows.  I have a series of about 20 different
tables that I need to link into the master table in order to fill out additional columns.
These additional tables range in size from 500 rows to 30 million rows.  Each one has a unique
key that can be used to link to the master table.  What is my best bet in creating one massive base table
with all the columns I need filled out?  I have tried a series of inner and left joins through
proc sql but it takes way too long, probably 20-30 hours if I let it continue to run.

I don't see how this can take 20-30hrs. It took 14 minutes on my $600 2008 Dell T7400,
probably cheaper now.

NOTE: The data set WORK.MASTER has 150,000,000 observations and 35 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           14:18.11
      cpu time            19:15.79

Adding descriptions from 23 dimension tables to one master table.
For small tables like these I do nto parallelize.

HAVE a MASTER table with 150 million obs

NOTE: There were 150000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.MM150.

AND 23 Dimension tables

NOTE: There were 500 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM500.
NOTE: There were 1000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM1000.
NOTE: There were 2000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM2000.
NOTE: There were 4000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM4000.
NOTE: There were 8000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM8000.
NOTE: There were 10000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000.
NOTE: There were 20000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000.
NOTE: There were 40000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM40000.
NOTE: There were 80000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM80000.
NOTE: There were 100000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM100000.
NOTE: There were 200000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM200000.
NOTE: There were 400000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM400000.
NOTE: There were 802140 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM800000.
NOTE: There were 1000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM1000000.
NOTE: There were 2000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM2000000.
NOTE: There were 4054055 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM4000000.
NOTE: There were 8333334 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM8000000.
NOTE: There were 10000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000000.
NOTE: There were 21428572 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000000.
NOTE: There were 30000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM30000000.
NOTE: There were 10000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000000.
NOTE: There were 21428572 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000000.
NOTE: There were 30000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM30000000.


Middle Observation(75000000 ) of SPDE.MM150 - Total Obs 150,000,000

14 variable, note the use of codes instead of descriptions
this is goo practice

C1                    C    1       A
C2                    C    1       A
C3                    C    1       A
C4                    C    1       A
C5                    C    1       A
C6                    C    1       A
C7                    C    1       A
C8                    C    1       A
C9                    C    1       A
C10                   C    1       A

 -- NUMERIC --
N1                    N    8       1111
N2                    N    8       2222
N3                    N    8       3333
N4                    N    8       4444
KEY                   N    8       75000000


Up to 40 obs from SPDE.DIM500 total obs=500

Obs         KEY    DIM300000

  1           1      MALE
  2      300001      MALE
  3      600001      MALE
  4      900001      MALE
  5     1200001      MALE

WANT NEW MATER TABLE with all the dimension information

Middle Observation(1 ) of Last dataset = WORK.XUNDER1MM - Total Obs 1

C1                               C    1       A                   C1
C2                               C    1       A                   C2
C3                               C    1       A                   C3
C4                               C    1       A                   C4
C5                               C    1       A                   C5
C6                               C    1       A                   C6
C7                               C    1       A                   C7
C8                               C    1       A                   C8
C9                               C    1       A                   C9
C10                              C    1       A                   C10
DIM300000                        C    4       MALE                DIM300000
DIM150000                        C    2       VT                  DIM150000
DIM75000                         C    3       OLD                 DIM75000
DIM37500                         C    4       BLUE                DIM37500
DIM18750                         C    3       TOP                 DIM18750
DIM15000                         C    3       LOW                 DIM15000
DIM7500                          C    4       HIGH                DIM7500
DIM3750                          C    4       PRES                DIM3750
DIM1875                          C    4       BEST                DIM1875
DIM1500                          C    4       GROW                DIM1500
DIM750                           C    4       POOR                DIM750
DIM375                           C    4       RICH                DIM375
DIM187                           C    3       KID                 DIM187
DIM150                           C    4       POOL                DIM150
DIM75                            C    4       MEAN                DIM75
DIM37                            C    3       MIN                 DIM37
DIM18                            C    3       MAX                 DIM18
DIM15                            C    3       OUT                 DIM15
DIM7                             C    3       DEM                 DIM7
DIM5                             C    3       GOP                 DIM5

 -- NUMERIC --
KEY                              N    8       1                   KEY
N1                               N    8       1111                N1
N2                               N    8       2222                N2
N3                               N    8       3333                N3
N4                               N    8       4444                N4

Join Many Tables to One Master Table

I have a base master table of about 150 million rows.  I have a series of about 20 different
tables that I need to link into the master table in order to fill out additional columns.
These additional tables range in size from 500 rows to 30 million rows.  Each one has a unique
key that can be used to link to the master table.  What is my best bet in creating one massive base table
with all the columns I need filled out?  I have tried a series of inner and left joins through
proc sql but it takes way too long, probably 20-30 hours if I let it continue to run.

I am a SAS novice but have a good understanding of SQL.  Any tips for me?

%let pgm=utl_complex_update;

libname spde spde
    metapath =('c:\wrk\spde_c\metadata')

    datapath =(

* it is not unusual to use codes in a fact table instead of long descriptions;
data spde.mm150(index=(key/unique));
   array nums[4] n1-n4 (1111,2222,3333,4444);
   array codes[10] $1 c1-c10 (10*'A');
   do key=1 to 150000000;

%macro mke020(obs,txt);
  %let interval=%eval(150000000/&obs);
  data spde.dim&obs;
    retain key 0 dim&interval "&txt";
    do key=1 to 150000000 by &interval;
%mend mke020;

%mke020(500      ,MALE);
%mke020(1000     ,VT  );
%mke020(2000     ,OLD );
%mke020(4000     ,BLUE);
%mke020(8000     ,TOP );
%mke020(10000    ,LOW );
%mke020(20000    ,HIGH);
%mke020(40000    ,PRES);
%mke020(80000    ,BEST);
%mke020(100000   ,GROW);
%mke020(200000   ,POOR);
%mke020(400000   ,RICH);
%mke020(800000   ,KID );
%mke020(1000000  ,POOL);
%mke020(2000000  ,MEAN);
%mke020(4000000  ,MIN );
%mke020(8000000  ,MAX );
%mke020(10000000 ,OUT );
%mke020(20000000 ,DEM );
%mke020(30000000 ,GOP );

data master;
 merge spde.mm150(in=master)
  by key;
  if master;
  if mod(_n_,10000000)=0 then put _n_=;

NOTE: There were 150000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.MM150.
NOTE: There were 500 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM500.
NOTE: There were 1000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM1000.
NOTE: There were 2000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM2000.
NOTE: There were 4000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM4000.
NOTE: There were 8000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM8000.
NOTE: There were 10000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000.
NOTE: There were 20000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000.
NOTE: There were 40000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM40000.
NOTE: There were 80000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM80000.
NOTE: There were 100000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM100000.
NOTE: There were 200000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM200000.
NOTE: There were 400000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM400000.
NOTE: There were 802140 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM800000.
NOTE: There were 1000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM1000000.
NOTE: There were 2000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM2000000.
NOTE: There were 4054055 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM4000000.
NOTE: There were 8333334 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM8000000.
NOTE: There were 10000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000000.
NOTE: There were 21428572 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000000.
NOTE: There were 30000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM30000000.
NOTE: There were 10000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM10000000.
NOTE: There were 21428572 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM20000000.
NOTE: There were 30000000 observations read from the data set SPDE.DIM30000000.
NOTE: The data set WORK.UNDER1MM has 150000000 observations and 35 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           14:18.11
      cpu time            19:15.79

127 !     quit;

Tourmaline | Level 20
@rogerjdeangelis even if agree on the overall conclusion I don't think that you can use your example as a template. Fact tables doesn't have a single FK column shated by all dimensions. This means that you can never have merge by more than one dimension at the time (different by variables).
Data never sleeps
Barite | Level 11


It was a dumb example but does a lot of I/O.


I suspect you can use SQL left joins using mutiple pk and fk realtions and the performance would not be an oder of magnitude less than 25hrs


Generally there is an fk relation with dimension tables.


Barite | Level 11


The performance WOULD be much less than 20hrs

Quartz | Level 8

To put a note to the whole chat..don't forget your friends DROP & KEEP and minimize the variables you mix and match.

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