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Calcite | Level 5

I am running SAS 9.2 32-bit on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit machine. I would like to install SAS 9.3 64-bit.


1. Will the installation automatically overwrite my SAS 9.2 32-bit? If yes, then this is the preferred option.

2. If it does not overwrite the existing 9.2 then what is the best uninstall option? The SAS Uninstall Wizard or via Add/Remove programs in Windows?

SAS Employee

Hi Banch,

SAS is a seperate install and will install to a seperate location.

However, that being said there are some gotchas when working with x64 operating systems and the SAS Shared Files (which are used by both SAS 9.2 and SAS 9.3. The good news is, once there are no old SAS files on the system or if you have a clean machine to install SAS 9.3 on - Shared files are NO longer being used. This SAS Note has the details on how Shared Files work:

If you do not need the SAS 9.2 (which was 32bit) any longer; I would suggest you uninstall, reboot your pc and then clean up the remaining files.

This SAS Note can help you with that:

Then when you install the SAS 9.3 always install the x64 version first if you have to install both (32bit and 64bit) for any reason.

See Installation Note 44390 for the Best practices to follow when you install SAS® Software on the Windows platform

Have a terrific day, Sunshine

Calcite | Level 5

The uninstall program for 9.2 removed all but the following four items:

ODBC drivers

Online Doc

Graph NVWorkshop

Universal Viewer Preproduction

I reran the uninstall but it was still unable to remove the 4 items.

I went ahead and removed these 4 by Windows Add/Remove Programs.

The SAS uninstall wizard thus was not able to remove any of the SAS folders in Program Files and Program Files(x86). I removed these physically.

Now I'm holding my breath, keeping my fingers crossed and going ahead with the 64-bit install.

SAS Employee

Hi Banch,

That is correct the SUW can not uninstall all of the programs, but most of them it does get. It is a great time saver instead of having to do each one from the Control Panel.

Don't forget to reboot Smiley Happy

What you did was great and should work fine for you.

Best Regards, Sunshine :smileygrin:

Calcite | Level 5

The install had a glitch - there were some files on the CD that were not readable but they looked to be files for dminer client which I didn't need.

The uninstall and install in total took about 4 hours.

A couple of unexpected things:

1. There are no icons associated with SAS programs and data sets. They default to the the windows icons that have no programs associated with them. I tried using the SAS utility "Manage file types" but this didn't change anything though the extensions have been associated with the universal viewer. SAS programs open in the viewer.

2. The 64-bit SAS unfortunately is incompatible with MS Office 32-bit which is what's installed on my machine. Therefore PROC IMPORT and PROC EXPORT to excel does not work. Looks like I either need a 64-bit MS Office or to go with the SAS 32-bit.

Obsidian | Level 7

Point 2

You need to install the pc file server  which is normaly able to reach the 32bit application

activate it

then proc export and proc import  would work

if you follow the way to write them in the   "sas access to pf files" book!


Calcite | Level 5

I ended up installing MS Office 2010 but am encountering the error:

ERROR: Connect: Class not registered

ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.

1. Checked out the KB:

Verified that I had the Access Connectivity Engine. This was under node Office|14.0 rather than 12.0 porbably because this is Offcie 2010.

2. Converted xls file to xlsx.

3. Resaved xlsx from Office 2007 to xlsx under Office 2010.

4. Created a new xlsx using Office 2010.

All no joy.

Calcite | Level 5

Just to add a few other attempts:

1. libname xy excel "excel path"

2. Import wizard.

No joy on both counts.

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