PROC SGPANEL is a module with deficits. First, the user cannot specify the number of graphs in each row. Second, the graphs are automatically left-justified, with no way to correct them in the module.
It is therefore especially embarrassing when I am putting five graphs in one panel. PROC SGPANEL automatically assigns three graphs in the first row and two in the second. I cannot change the arrangement into two in the first and three in the second row.
What is more embarrassing is that the graphs in the second panel are automatically left-justified and there is no way I can tell SAS to change the alignment the graphs in the second row to middle-justified in PROC SGPANEL. What is more, PROC SGPANEL seems to be the only module capable of putting multiple graphs in one panel when there is no way of drawing them in statistical analytic modules.
In fact, I am drawing calibration plots of logistic regression models. With an older SAS version (TS1M5), I cannot do this in PROC LOGISTIC, so PROC SGPLOT and PROC SGPANEL are the only two modules I can resort to. But PROC SGPLOT does not support putting graphs in panels while PROC SGPANEL does not support the functions I mentioned above. It is really frustrating.