Es sieht aus das die XML met vbs im html umgesetzt wird,
XML aufbereiten ist am einfachsten mit die mapper. Mit die mapper bekommen sie auch die LIbname xml code und mapfile.
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SAS® 9.4 XMLV2 and XML LIBNAME Engines: User’s Guide
s Guide
What Is SAS XML Mapper?
SAS XML Mapper is an XMLMap support tool for the XMLV2 and XML engines. Based on Java, SAS XML Mapper is a stand-alone application that removes the tedium of creating and modifying an XMLMap.
SAS XML Mapper provides a graphical interface that you can use to generate the appropriate XML elements. SAS XML Mapper analyzes the structure of an XML document or an XML schema and generates basic XML syntax for the XMLMap.
The interface consists of windows, a menu bar, and a toolbar. Using SAS XML Mapper, you can display an XML document or an XML schema, create and modify an XMLMap, and generate example SAS programs.
SAS XML Mapper Application
Importing an XML Document with Numeric Values
This example imports the XML document Precision.XML, which was exported in Exporting Numeric Values. This example illustrates how you can change the behavior for importing numeric values.
The first SAS program imports the XML document using the default behavior, which retrieves parsed character data (PCDATA) from the element:
libname default xml 'C:\Output\precision.xml'; Ein blog:
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