NOTE that if Sample design file contains 0 for sampling rate of cells 6 and 8 these cells will not be in the output dataset. I see 2 options: 1. Reset variable values, like I did for Spring segmentation but for ALL relevant sampling vars, in a separate data step. 2. Rejoin these records into the final file in a separate data step.
MY QUESTION IS: Is there a 3rd option? Is there a way to indicate that I am NOT sampling from cells 6 and 8 and yet want all records from cells 6 and 8 to be included in the ouput dataset?
[I am using EG 7.1x connecting to an AIX 64 unix server with SAS 9.4 installed and SAS STAT v.??? (installed at same time as SAS 9.4)] DATA SMPLDESIGN_&SSN.&SFY._&RD0 ; INFILE DATALINES DELIMITER="," ; INPUT BRAND $4. CELL _RATE_ ; DATALINES ; HAND,1,0.10 HAND,2,0.07 HAND,3,0.07 HAND,4,0.05 HAND,5,0.10 HAND,6,0.0 HAND,7,0.07 HAND,8,0.0 HAND,9,0.05 HAND,10,0.07 HAND,11,0.05 HAND,12,0.05 HAND,13,0.10 HAND,14,0.10 HAND,15,0.07 HAND,16,0.05 ; RUN ;
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