I am plotting the values for two series, peer salaries and UA average salaries by year and rank. I am using PROC SGPLOT and two series statements with the year as the x value and the salaries as the y value, then the rank is the group variable. I have SAS 9.2. I want the legend to simply show that the first series is the peer salary and the second is the UA average salary, not show the group (rank) values. Even using the legendlabel option, I can't seem to make this happen. My code and results are below. Suggestions are greatly appreciated! proc sgplot data=faculty noautolegend; where uasrank in ('1','2','3'); series x=uasyear y=uassug50/group=uasrank markers markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled) lineattrs=(color=black pattern=solid) legendlabel="SUG 50th Percentile" name="sug50" datalabel=label; series x=uasyear y=uasuaavg/group=uasrank markers markerattrs=(symbol=squarefilled) lineattrs=(color=CX990000 pattern=solid) legendlabel="UA Average" name="uaavg"; keylegend "sug50" "uaavg"; xaxis label=''; yaxis label=''; format uasrank $fac_rank. uasyear $year. uassug50 dollar12. uasuaavg dollar12.; run;
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