I suggest to use an attribute map, this allows you control the appearance of the markers.
See below for an example:
ods graphics / reset=all;
data attrmap;
infile cards dsd dlm="," truncover;
input id $ value $ MARKERTRANSPARENCY MARKERCOLOR $ markersymbol : $32. ;
type, Hybrid, 0.8 , pink , CircleFilled
type, Sedan , 0.8 , green , CircleFilled
type, Sports, 0.8 , blue , CircleFilled
type, SUV , 0.7 , yellow , CircleFilled
type, Truck , 0 , red , StarFilled
type, Wagon , 0.5 , black , StarFilled
proc sgplot data=sashelp.cars dattrmap=attrmap;
scatter x=invoice y=horsepower / group=type attrid=type;
Also have a look at the GROUPORDER= option
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