Thanks @AhmedAl_Attar and @carl_sommer for mentioning Metacoda!
@Maicfel - we have some commercial Metacoda Plug-ins that can be installed into SAS Management Console to provide additional views of the SAS metadata security implementation that SAS platform administrators find useful. Of the various plug-ins that we provide, the ones that might provide the answer you are looking for are the Object Permissions Explorer (pick an object, like a library, and see all users/groups and the effective permissions/access they have on that object) and the Identity Permissions Explorer (pick a user/group and see a collection of objects, such as all libraries, and the effective permissions/access that user/group has on all those objects). These views can be exported into HTML and CSV formats. If you see a combination of permissions you don't expect then you can right click on a row to access the Permissions Tracer plug-in which will list all of the relevant permission settings, from ACEs and ACTs on the object and all of its parents, for that user and all of its groups, ordered in terms of precedence, with the definitive or deciding permissions highlighted so you can see what it driving the decision.
I have written a couple of blog posts about these specific plug-ins that might help:
Sneak Peek at our new Effective Permissions Explorers:
Tracing Permissions for SAS Metadata Security:
If this is of interest, and you would like to try the software out in your own environment you can register for an free 30 day evaluation at and, of course, if you would like to have a web meeting to see a demo I would be more than happy to help.
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