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Traditional SAS/Graph Procs, and Annotate.
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- Liked Re: Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Matrix Plot for Ksharp. 12-04-2024 08:02 PM
- Liked Re: Is there a way to make sas studio have a background of black? for LeliaM. 12-04-2024 08:01 PM
- Posted Re: SAS color names: Why is "Blue Green" not the same as "Green Blue"? on Graphics Programming. 12-04-2024 07:59 PM
- Liked Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Thanksgiving Turkey Crown for tc. 11-29-2024 02:13 PM
- Liked Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Hexagon Map State-by-State 2024 Election Recap for tc. 11-29-2024 02:12 PM
- Posted Re: Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: How Many States Does It Take to Win a U.S. Presidential Election? on Graphics Programming. 11-14-2024 04:04 PM
- Liked Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: How Many States Does It Take to Win a U.S. Presidential Election? for tc. 11-14-2024 04:04 PM
- Liked Re: Is it possible to include sequentially numbered titles for plots? for Ksharp. 10-21-2024 12:13 PM
- Liked Re: Extended Pie Chart: Donut of Pie for Ksharp. 10-21-2024 12:11 PM
- Liked Re: Extended Pie Chart: Donut of Pie for Ksharp. 10-21-2024 12:11 PM
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- Liked Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Matrix Plot for Ksharp. 09-05-2024 09:02 PM
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- Posted Re: Converting Latitude and Longitude for Use With Specific MAPSGFK Maps on Graphics Programming. 08-06-2024 08:02 PM
- Liked Re: picture format for time axis for Ksharp. 07-12-2024 09:13 AM
- Posted Re: Discrete Axis - Ticks at both ends when using inbetween on Graphics Programming. 07-12-2024 09:11 AM
- Posted Re: Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Stars and Popsicle Stick Stripes Forever on Graphics Programming. 07-06-2024 03:21 PM
- Liked Fun With SAS ODS Graphics: Stars and Popsicle Stick Stripes Forever for tc. 07-06-2024 03:19 PM
- Posted Re: Difficulties getting Proc Gmap to produce annotated graph with Proc Geocode and county level map on SAS Programming. 06-21-2024 10:44 AM
- Posted Re: Editing slice labels in a donut chart so that they don't overlap on Graphics Programming. 06-21-2024 10:09 AM
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07:59 PM
If you care about your colors, and want them to look consistent no matter what type of output you're creating (png, svg, java, activex, javaimg, actximg, pdf, etc) ... I suggest always using the hex rgb color codes.
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04:04 PM
Is there a way to get the lines to start at zero?
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08:02 PM
As Jeff says, Alaska & Hawaii have been moved/projected/scaled differently from the rest of the US, in this particular map (mapsgfk.us). Therefore, there is no one/simple command that will move/project/scale arbitrary lat/long coordinates and have them line up with the map.
But ... mapsgfk.uscity has applied the same move/project/scale to all the mapsgfk.uscity locations, so they line up with mapsgfk.us ... and therefore if you find the closest city to each of your lat/long locations, you could look up the x/y from mapsgfk.uscity, and plot those locations on the map. Here's a small example showing all the mapsgfk.uscity locations overlaid on mapsgfk.us:
title "mapsgfk.us with mapsgfk.uscity locations overlaid";
proc sgmap mapdata=mapsgfk.us noautolegend plotdata=mapsgfk.uscity;
choromap / mapid=statecode;
scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(size=1px color=red symbol=circlefilled) transparency=0;
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09:11 AM
Why would you want any ticks on that axis at all?
What purpose do they serve?
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03:21 PM
@tc never disappoints!
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10:44 AM
Here's how to do it without combining/projecting/separating the map & data, by using the somewhat new feature of saving the projection parameters for the map and then applying them to the annotate dataset:
data zips;
input c zip;
1 65203
2 65211
3 65201
proc geocode data=zips out=geocodedzips (rename=(x=long y=lat));
data mocounties; set mapsgfk.us_counties (where=(statecode='MO'));
proc gproject data=mocounties out=mocounties
latlong eastlong degrees parmout=projparm;
id county;
proc gproject data=geocodedzips out=geocodedzips
latlong eastlong degrees parmin=projparm parmentry=mocounties;
data anno_locations; set geocodedzips;
if c=1 then color="red";
if c=2 then color="bib";
if c=3 then color="viyg";
if c=4 then color="bippk";
xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; when='a';
function='pie'; rotate=360; size=.5;
length html $300;
style='pempty'; color='deb';
pattern1 v=e;
proc gmap map=mocounties data=mocounties anno=anno_locations;
id county;
choro segment / coutline=black levels=1 nolegend
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10:09 AM
Could you provide the code you used to produce your gchart pie chart?
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09:47 AM
Hypothetically, you could draw bars on a 2d map using annotate (where the bar starts at the center of each state, and the height of the bars is scaled based on the data). I'm not sure it would be a great way to present data, and not sure it would be worth the work.
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10:50 PM
Examples are a *lot* more useful, when they include the sample data!
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09:53 PM
The maps in the blog post show numeric (lat/long) axes - I've never seen Proc SGMAP do that. Are you 100% certain they were created with SGMAP?
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09:42 PM
Yep - interesting blog post. ... But it doesn't appear they used SAS to create any of the maps in the blog post(?)
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04:50 PM
Someone mentioned SAS/GIS - that would probably be the best SAS solution for this type of thing ... but it was never finished, and the current version of the software has been 'frozen' (no new decelopment) for many years, and it would be difficult to find expertise/advice/examples to help you with that.
You could plot lat/long crime data on streetmaps using SAS/Graph Proc Gmap, but it's a bit cumbersome (you have to download all the map tiles, and stitch them together, and then get a bit tricky to annotate your data onto the map tile images).
SAS Proc SGmap makes overlaying lat/long data onto streetmaps very simple - that's what I would recommend. I put an example in a blog that might get you started (sample code at bottom of the blog): https://blogs.sas.com/content/graphicallyspeaking/2021/08/17/cary-nc-data-fire-incidents/
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10:46 AM
You could use the value of the 'present' variable to control the color of the dots, such as ...
data coordinates; set coordinates;
length color $12; xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; when='a'; function='pie'; rotate=360; size=1.0;
if present=0 then color='red';
else if present=1 then color='green'; run;
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12:09 PM
Not sure exactly when it was upgraded, but looks like it's at 9.4m7 now (Feb 2024) ...
%put &=SYSVLONG;
So a bunch of the last features added to sgmap should work now:
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10:31 AM
I have a couple of similar examples on this page, that might interest you. (they're on the last row of thumbnails - bottom/left):
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