Thanks a lot; I did some adjustement to your code but finally worked. data output.&cons (drop=r1 r2 "Range Start"n "Range End"n j letter) ;
retain month_var Range "Current Count"n "Current %"n " Previous Count"n "Previous %"n "% Change"n ;
do j=0 to 2499;
set output.&cons;
r1=put(input("Range Start"n,15.),comma12.);
r2=put("Range End"n,comma15.);
letter = byte(mod(j,25)+rank('a')) ;
end; this is a sample of the variable generated after execution a:._0 b:1_100 c:101_500 d:501_1,000 e:1,001_1,500 f:1,501_2,000 g:2,001_2,500 h:2,501_5,000 i:5,001_7,500 j:7,501_10,000 k:10,001_15,000 l:15,001_20,000 m:20,001_25,000 n:25,001_30,000 o:30,001_40,000 p:40,001_50,000 q:50,001_100,000 r:100,001_200,000 s:200,001_300,000 t:300,001_500,000 u:500,001_1,000,000 v:1,000,001_5,000,000 w:5,000,001_10,000,000 x:10,000,001_50,000,000 y:50,000,001_100,000,000 a:._0 b:1_100 c:101_500 d:501_1,000 e:1,001_1,500 f:1,501_2,000 g:2,001_2,500 h:2,501_5,000 i:5,001_7,500 j:7,501_10,000 k:10,001_15,000 l:15,001_20,000 m:20,001_25,000 n:25,001_30,000 o:30,001_40,000 p:40,001_50,000 q:50,001_100,000 r:100,001_200,000 s:200,001_300,000 t:300,001_500,000 u:500,001_1,000,000 v:1,000,001_5,000,000 w:5,000,001_10,000,000 x:10,000,001_50,000,000 y:50,000,001_100,000,000 Thanks a lot again!!!!
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