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SASware Ballot becomes SAS Product Suggestions
We have reformulated and renamed the communities-based board where you can enter your suggestions to improve SAS products. Read all about this change in the announcement -- and keep those great suggestions coming!
Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
03:09 AM
Submitted by
03:09 AM

In VIYA 3.5 sliders had the ability to be set to dynamic min/max - so that they would always contain the entire span of dates etc. in the dataset.
But for some reason this was added in the updates for VIYA 4.
"Control objects have a new Initial value option, and range slider objects have Initial min value and Initial max value options. These options enable you to specify the default initial selection for the control when a user opens the report for the first time, or when they select Restore default report state."
Now when users open a report it will set the sliders to that span the next time they open the report.
And the user will have to manually correct the slider every time.
There is no option in the report, that can fix this. Even using parameters to try and force the latest date will not work. The only way to fix this is to disable "saved viewer state feature" and that disables the users to customize their own reports.
This is such a bad change for UX when using reports daily. I don't understand why you would make a change like this.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
11:40 AM
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11:40 AM

I know this has been suggested before, but the issue was closed. ( We are about to publish reports for a big number of users with low computer experience. Using VA is a very small part of their daily job. To educate them all on how to avoid unintended zooming in graph objects, is not a feasible task.
A possibility to deactivate mouse wheel zoom would be a great increase in usability for our VA reports, and massively reduce our support burden.
I really hope you can consider implementing this soon. Thanks in advance.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
11:05 AM
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11:05 AM

Our users are often not very impressed with the reports me and my colleagues make for them. The reason is that they only see the first tab of the report. The tabs are so subtile that the users don't even see them. It's also hard to see which tab is selected.
Please make it possible to style the tabs so that we can make them "pop" more.
Picture to show what I mean:
Picture of "invisible" tabs in a VA report
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
09:50 AM
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09:50 AM

Within our architecture we have an API that sits in front of SAS ID that acts as a single entry point to SAS ID campaigns. We break down our campaigns based off zones, and multiple zones could be called within a single web application. Different zones return different elements as it depends on how it's rendered on the page. However, offers within a zone do not differ on structure just content. We also leverage parallel process nodes heavily, meaning if we add new 'campaigns' it would be added to the parallel nodes, and it would just be new possible offers returned within the datagrid. For building campaigns we will leveraging versioning, however the default setting when deploying to MAS is that the decision name and version are appended. This will cause a lot of problems with our single API façade requiring IT deployment with URL changes to match the version. This is not something our business campaign team wants. I would like to request SAS to implement a boolean toggle on the UI, that by default would be true, where enabled, would append both Decision name and version on the MAS deploy prompt. When disabled, only include the Decision name. Additionally a different toggle that would by default set the "Replace item with the same name" to true. This would help in reducing manual deployment steps by having our campaign designers delete the version and check the replace button each time.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
01:46 PM
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01:46 PM

Prometheus currently only tracks active jobs, with no visibility into completed ones. Once jobs finish, their status information from the Workload Orchestrator is not available to prometheus, limiting post-completion monitoring and analysis. It would be beneficial to externalize this data to Prometheus for better job status tracking.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
12:36 PM
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12:36 PM

We have a use case where our company files are stored in Sharepoint.
It is currently difficult to access these files on VIYA and they manually have to be uploaded.
We would like to be able to connect SharePoint to VIYA such that:
1. SharePoint files and folders are visible in SAS Studio Explorer folder tree and can be manipulated like standard files residing on the SAS Server.
2. SharePoint files are directly accessible to SAS Studio flows.
2.1.Allow a file residing in SharePoint to be imported/exported using the standard SAS Studio Import/Export functions.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
05:25 AM
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05:25 AM

PRX-functions (prxmatch(), prxparse(), etc) that deals with regular expressions still cannot process multi-byte character sets like UTF-8 in the SAS 9.4 releases. It is an essential feature that would facilitate a lot a migration to a MBCS context.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
06:15 AM
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06:15 AM

We would like the ability to save/export a Studio flow as a .sas external file. To be able to specify the path and filename.
We are migrating from Enterprise Guide and this is a critical feature that is used extensively by many users to export process flows and execute the resulting .sas in a batch environment. We intend to follow the same way of working in SAS Viya/Studio.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
03:31 AM
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03:31 AM

OPTION BOMFILE; is not being honoured when the text file (DAT, CSV, TXT, etc.) is included/updated in a ZIP file. I have two suggestions:
Extend OPTION BOMFILE so that it is functional in text files included/updated in a ZIP file, too
Or at least, please update the SAS Documentation at both FILENAME ZIP and BOMFILE to let users know that BOM cannot be added in case the text file is included/updated in a ZIP file, and suggest a workaround like :
/* OPTIONS BOMFILE; Not honoured within a ZIP file */
%let path= <<define path here>> ;
filename foo ZIP "&path./" ENCODING='utf-8';
data _null_;
file foo(shoes);
IF _N_ = 1 THEN PUT ‘EFBBBF’x @; /* This adds the BOM to the beginning of the first record */
put region $25. product $14.;
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
08:05 AM
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08:05 AM

We are facing a strong showstopper with the current limitation of not allowing to mix INNER and OUTER joins in queries. Which is impacting the usage of our data providing system, to which SAS connects to.
Giving more options in the "libname jdbc" statement would give the user the ability to "match" the query generation in SAS with the real capacity of the underlying system using JDBC.
Here are a few of those options that would be nice to add:
- underlying system supports using inner and outer joins together - this limitation in particular is much more impactful than the others. Most DBMS systems allow that today so SAS should allow that for JDBC datasources.
- underlying system does not support JDBC escape sequences
- pass custom connection properties (Mapping for java class Properties) - sometimes some JDBC drivers do not support passing all parameters as URL.
Thank you !
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
12:04 AM
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12:04 AM

When running below code more than once in a session I'm getting a warning that I can't suppress.
proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.demo;
function demo(in);
return (out);
option CMPLIB=work.funcs;
data _null_;
WARNING: Function 'demo' was defined in a previous package. Function 'demo' as defined in the current program will be used as
default when the package is not specified.
What I would like as an extension to PROC FCMP are two new options: NOWARN: Suppress above warning and write a NOTE instead.
NOREPLACE: To not replace the already compiled function. Write a NOTE that the function already exists and won't be replaced.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
04:15 AM
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04:15 AM

"Start Page" currently contains two blocks of items in SAS Enterprise Guide - "Pinned Items" and "Recent Items".
The "Recent Items" section should be split into "Recent Programs" and "Recent Datasets" based on the type of item being referred to. Each section should be selectable for "viewing" either in the "Start Page" (e.g. grouping drop down) or in SAS Enterprise Guide's menu (Tools > Optons") so that they are hidden or visible. Further sections could be added, so that file paths (and SAS logical references) are used to determine the content "relationship" to SAS - .sas for "programs", .csv/.xls/.xlsx etc for "files" (or "data"), etc.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
04:46 PM
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04:46 PM

When you run a sas program in STUDIO, in the log you have a summary of ERRORS/WARNINGS/NOTES that you can use to navigate the log, as shown in the highlighted red box in the screenshot.
If you run that same sas program as a background submit it creates a log, however, when you open that log the ERRORS/WARNINGS/NOTES summary does not exist.
In EG, if you open a saved log it will parse the file and provide you with the summary you can then use to jump around in the log. The below screenshot is from a saved log that was then drag and dropped into an EGP and you can see that it provides you with the summary.
Can this funcitonality be added to SAS STUDIO so that when viewing saved SAS logs (such as the one created by a background submit) the "log summary" is available?
Note: this suggestion is related to the question asked in this thread
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
04:04 PM
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04:04 PM

To be consistent with those longtime users coming from the SAS 9.4 world, it would be very useful to have an option to append to the results window rather than replace its contents when resubmitting a program or a portion of a program. I see that SAS Studio 3.8 added an option to append to the log window rather than replace and it would be great to have a similar option for the results window. We will soon be moving to SAS Viya so I'm of course most interested in this being implemented in the latest release of SAS Studio running under Viya.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
11:36 AM
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11:36 AM

When using SET datasetname POINT= idnumber the user will create an infinite loop, unless there is a STOP; statement that is executed. It is easy to forget this, or "hide it in some logics. Of course an experienced SAS user NEVER markes this mistake - until the other day....
Suggestion: Try to implement a check that there is a STOP statement, in the SAS Compiler. / Br Anders Sköllermo
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
02:24 AM
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02:24 AM

Hello, im suggesting that you implement some sort of overview of which variables that are used in a certain database for a SAS VA report.
For an example if you using a database with the paramaters a,b,c,d,e,f and are only using a,b,c, then a list that contains the used variables would be perfect (in this case only a,b,c). At the moment you have to go in on a report, click up the data and hover the mouse over each variable to see if it is used or not.
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We found out, that using special characters or national characters like äöü cause problems when they are in the passwort of a user and saved in an authdomain credentials. Libnames then do not have access to the credentials any more resulting in a Warning in the log and failing libnames.
I suggest, that sas automatically pwencodes the passwort before saving it to the authdomain or at least builds a toggle to pwencode it optionally so that every password can be plain inputted in the field and saved in a way that it works in libnames.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
06:51 AM
Submitted by
06:51 AM

Hello, I would like to request a feature enhancement in the Visual Investigator system related to search functionality (Version: 10.8 Hot Fix 4; SAS Viya Release: 3.5; Solution Version: 8.3.1). Specifically, we need a way to limit search results to a certain number of words or display only specific parts of a sentence. While attempting to achieve this using the "Show a text snippet if the search word is found in these fields" option in the Detail View, we did not get the desired outcome. Below are three cases that we tried: 1) No field configured 2) The “Informacion” Field that contains the searched word with minimum characters and samples 3) The “Informacion” Field that contains the searched word with maximum characters and samples The shown text snippet after performing search is the same as below for the three of the configurations like below: The only successful workaround we found was in the "Manage Environment" settings under "Configuration." By disabling the "defaultHighlightingEnable" toggle, restarting all services, and re-testing the system, we managed to achieve the expected behavior. However, this change applies across all entities, which is not ideal for our use case. To address this limitation, we kindly request a feature enhancement that would allow enabling or disabling this functionality on a per-entity basis. This would provide much-needed flexibility and precision for managing our search results across different entities. We believe this improvement would significantly enhance the functionality and usability of the system, particularly for teams managing large datasets with diverse entity types. Thank you for considering this request. Best Regards!
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
08:00 AM
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08:00 AM

It is necessary to create a functionality to version objects of the Advanced List type, as occurs with objects of the Lookup and Global Variable type, even allowing the possibility of activating previous versions. Apparently there is an attempt to version with the "revisions" options, but in practice this does not work. It would be better to actually replicate the versioning functionality existing in Lookup, for example.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
03:19 AM
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03:19 AM

SAS Viya 4 - IKS Compatibility IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
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