Showing ideas with label Fraud and Security Intelligence.
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SASware Ballot becomes SAS Product Suggestions
We have reformulated and renamed the communities-based board where you can enter your suggestions to improve SAS products. Read all about this change in the announcement -- and keep those great suggestions coming!
Suggestion Implemented
Submitted on
09:41 AM
Submitted by
09:41 AM

SAS Visual Investigator - Page Builder Interface - GRID - Column Editor
We suggest :
- Adding the option to declare numerical data type columns in GRID
- Making numeric filters accessible in GRID columns
When Grid is populated from a REST URL Response, numeric datatype fields end up being displayed as character data. Columns in Grid , therefore, lack filters that are specyfic for numeric datatypes (Is greater then, Is less than or equal etc.). In addition, since fields are not displayed as numeric, "Locale for regional formats and sorting" format changs do not apply to them.
Grid column configuration already allows declaring DateTime columns. We propose the option to configure numeric datatype as well.
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
01:48 PM
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01:48 PM

Dates displayed in SAS applications are in various different formats, we are hoping to have the dates displayed or allow the users to change the date formats in Visual Investigator.
We have noticed that the dates are displayed in the following different formats.
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm am/pm
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.882 am/pm
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.882Z [24hr]
Mmm dd, yyyy
Mmm dd, yyyy, hh:mm:ss am/pm
Month dd, yyyy
The main ask is as follows:
Timestamps should display time in the same manner, either AM/PM or 24H Zulu, not both. We cannot go to production with this inconsistency.
We would like all dates to appear in short form, that is yyyy-MM-dd
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
12:52 PM
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12:52 PM

Hi Community experts,
SAS has a good Social Network Analysis and optimization engine and Social Network Analysis on SAS Visual Investigator as well. However, some custom semantic queries and pattern matches are hard tasks to be develop directly by business users.
Neo4j had the some barrier with cypher but now they are now integrating a Natural language interface using generative AI using OpenAI ChatGPT.
Other vendors are also working other similar use-cases like text-to-SQL Databricks and IBM WatsonX in Analytics Fields: I
I have some customers interested in those features and facing Neo4J competition in our customers. I am working on a project developing this integration with SAS Viya 4, but it will be incredible if we could generate a syntax to semantic queries and pattern match in Network Analysis as a feature by design of SAS SVI or SAS network Analysis make easier to end users to get information for your graphs structures. Looks a very interesting use case of generative AI.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
10:35 PM
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10:35 PM

In SAS FM UI: While creating new custom transaction type, when similar set of components are already present in transaction type Message is displayed as "Transaction type not saved. Set of components has already been defined". Request to add a feature to identity / display the transaction type name in SAS FM UI, when similar set of components are already present, instead of manually checking the transaction type one by one in SAS FM UI.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:24 AM
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07:24 AM

SAS Fraud Management 6.1 stores ACTION_TIMESTAMP in UTC. Web Application displays time by adding to ACTION_TIMESTAMP offset based on timezone set on host of WebApp Server. It causes that actions performed during winter and summer time have the same offset, but it should be different.
Polish deployment example:
Actions 4116021 and 4116019 were performed at 10:29:35 local time (UTC+2h), but web application displays 9:29:35 as host' time is CET (UTC+1h) now. All countries that use DST have this problem.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:26 AM
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07:26 AM

The SAS Visual Investigate (Manage Investigate and Search) tool provides several features so that the client can create web/mobile pages and make them available through SAS Investigate and Search Data. With it, it is possible to model the "database", create a homepage and pages for inserting/editing/deleting data from the model, enabling several usage controls, and even adding Workflows to ensure better control of business rules linked to the pages. The tool generally meets its purpose, however, it fails when we think about developing models and pages in parallel, where one or more teams want to parallelize development to speed up product delivery. Currently, I cannot separate my development from my colleague's development, so our efforts end up affecting each other. For example, if he needs to change the same workflow as another colleague, this activity cannot be performed, because each one will be overwriting the other's workflow. My proposal is to develop a functionality similar to Git, allowing that before any modification in SAS Manage Investigate and Search, it is necessary to create a "branch" for development. I also recommend the concept of Git Flow, separating what is the main "branch", a "branch" to gather the development features and the possibility of creating as many "branches" as desired so as not to affect the development of the colleague. With the addition of this functionality, we could also create specific access to SAS Investigate and Search Data, informing which "branch" we want to render, in case we need to test our solution before publishing it on the main page. In addition, all Merge and PR control to update the development "branch" or the main "branch" needs to be developed, and it is even possible to delegate this responsibility to specific user groups, that is, separate what only Developers can do in the tool from what Approvers can do. This is an idea, the requirements would still need to mature a lot, however, it is currently a very urgent demand at the client where I am using SAS Visual Investigator, I would appreciate it if we had something along these lines to use.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
03:23 PM
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03:23 PM

Investigators using Procurement Integrity Visual Investigator Solutions (CMPI) on Viya4 need the ability to manage, assign, and route alerts at the scenario-fired event or incident level, not just at the entity level (e.g., vendor or employee). Currently, Visual Investigator treats alerts as entities, meaning investigators must handle all scenario-fired events/incidents linked to an entity before closing an alert. Disposition: Management has difficulty tracking progress because investigators need to address all events linked to an entity before an alert can be closed. Although investigators can manage a subset of events, they cannot disposition of individual scenario-fired events/incidents directly, only assess them. Assign/Route: Investigators might need to review all incidents related to a specific scenario, such as multiple vendors sharing the same VAT number. Typically, investigator groups need to focus on specific scenarios, but the system currently routes all events associated with an alert together, making it hard to focus on individual scenarios. Rollup: Incidents cannot be categorised under multiple alert types or strategies, which complicates the disposition and assignment processes. Bulk Disposition: Users would need to export alerts to Excel, update disposition reasons and productivity ratings, and then upload the results back to Visual Investigator. This process is often faster than using the Visual Investigator interface directly, especially for repetitive tasks. For instance, an auditor reviewing instances where a vendor and an employee share a phone number would find it more efficient to use Excel than navigating through each alert individually. ROI: Calculating ROI is challenging due to the lengthy implementation process (averaging 6 months) and the time required for system stabilisation and user training. The current process for capturing disposition at the alert level delays ROI reporting, which the sales teams need for end-of-year assessments and contract renewal. In some cases, solution rollouts have been delayed because clients cannot provide ROI figures on time. These issues have been consistently encountered in all Viya/Visual Investigator implementations. Many of these features were available in the previous SAS Fraud Framework UI, and existing migrations cannot proceed until these issues are resolved, extending support for the older SAS Fraud Framework. How does R&D receive client feedback and determine what is working or not working with the product? As SAS Partners, we do not have access to internal SAS systems and cannot log feature requests directly.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:06 PM
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07:06 PM

Hi, Context: Viya implemented in Azure using SAS admin team stated that Viya 4 does not support the use or configuration of a proxy. Request: To improve security posture, it will be beneficial for Viya4 to support the use of a proxy to inspect SSL traffic. Note: Microsoft has a new feature available (In Preview) for their Azure Kubernetes Services which will allow to use custom CA. More information here: Custom certificate authority (CA) in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) (preview) - Azure Kubernetes Service | Microsoft Learn|
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
04:35 AM
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04:35 AM

Right now, when administrator wants to give access to a new user (and therefore he needs to revoke rights to some other user) he can revoke rights to a user that has open cases that are assigned to him.
I think it would be very useful for administrators to get a prompt that pops up when he tries to revoke the rights (for entering in SAS) for a user that has open cases.
Some window that will say to the admin that he first has to assign open cases to some other user before revoking rights to the current user.
Similar to prompts that can pop up when user tries to disposition the alert and he has to write disposition reason.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
04:09 PM
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04:09 PM

Refer to SAS AML8.3, the system is only allow the user to perform any actions on the most recent snapshots (SFEs) for the suspicious activity that has been discovered. This is not allowed the user to add/edit the information of the previous alert.
This affects the work process of user as below
1) If the user record the wrong investigation or need to re-investigated the information in the previous alert.
2) The user need to see the attachment in alert level
So, the expectation from the customer are
1) When the new Alert is generated, the user should be able to ‘Edit’ some information in ‘the previous Alert’ such as.. ‘Rate productivity’ to put the comment (in Fired Event Level) for that alert
2) The user can distinguish between the attachment of alert level
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
Suggestion Closed
Submitted on
04:16 PM
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04:16 PM

As discussed with the customer, the user need to add/edit some information related to the closed alert. Anyway, in SAS AML8.3 the system does not allowed user to edit the comment of closed alert.
Please help to consider to add the function of 'add/edit comment to alert after the alert is closed' into SAS AML8.3
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
Suggestion Implemented
Submitted on
03:59 AM
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03:59 AM

Date formatting in SAS VI / LEI is controlled by browser language settings. For example if your browser language setting is English UK then dates will be UK formatted in the UI. Whereas, if your browser language setting is English US then dates will be US formatted in the UI.
Clients don't always have access to change language settings on company laptops and therefore feel it would be beneficial for SAS VI / LEI to have a global language setting in VIYA / Environment Manager that automatically formats all dates to the preferred style of the client.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:52 AM
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07:52 AM

The disposition list on Alert detail screen should contain only the list that authorized by user queue.
For example
The Manager group queue and Manager Employee queue are in the same Strategy. Our user expect that the disposition button list should be displayed only disposition of that user's queue. The attachment is the Manager's screen, our user expect that the gray button will not be displayed.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:38 AM
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07:38 AM

For AML8.3, when the user clicks 'View the alert' to access the alert. The alert cannot be claimed (there is no function to claim/Claim is disable). Meanwhile, the user can click disposition to handle the alert.
So, if the purpose of "View the alert", to see detail inside the alert detail only. Disposition button should be grayed out in case that user click "View the alert" to access the alert.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
05:41 AM
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05:41 AM

The calendar control should allows to put the date restriction to display from the current date (VI10.8 Hot Fix6).
Our customer is using SAS AML8.3 with CDD, they specified that on the 'Customer Review' >> 'Review Details' tab, the calendar control in 'Review Time Period' section(in the attached screen) allows user to put the back date which may cause the incorrect date into the system.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:49 AM
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07:49 AM

The system should allow to set the group restriction to view specific active workflow on SAS Visual Investigator Admin according to the data object authorization.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:09 AM
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07:09 AM

In SAS AML8.3, While the user create AML case, Case category should be reflected by Case category.
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
01:47 AM
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01:47 AM

The subscribe function to send an email notification to user from any actions with their alert, case, customer and report in SAS AML8.3(to be the same with AML6.3) is necessary for our customer.
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
11:52 AM
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11:52 AM

On SAS AML on Viya 3.5 how can we apply a filter in Triage case screen.
This functionality is available on Alerts screen. Can you add it on Triage case screen?
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Fraud and Security Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
03:50 AM
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03:50 AM

In SAS LEI we are using the Tripwire functionality. One of the OOTB fields for this entity is called Generate Email which is a Boolean field. On the LEI page template that we have designed for our client the end user is required to check the box to either true or false to request the required email.
This field is displayed on the page template as a check box with the pre determined value of false. The client is requesting that this check box is automatically checked to true from the outset rather than the end user having to check the box.
From conversations with Tech Support and R&D we know that this is not possible within the current solution and have suggested a feature request whereby the person building the SAS LEI configuration can set the Boolean value / check box to either true or false when designing the page template.
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