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SASware Ballot becomes SAS Product Suggestions
We have reformulated and renamed the communities-based board where you can enter your suggestions to improve SAS products. Read all about this change in the announcement -- and keep those great suggestions coming!
New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:10 AM
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07:10 AM

Certain VA reports can be very generall with lots of possibillities of filtering. A user of such report may want to be able to save a selection of filters as a bookmark and not have to manually add the filters each time the user visit the report. Instead the user can just apply the saved bookmark and gets the desired filtered values.
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Business Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
03:56 PM
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03:56 PM

SAS Studio have "Server Files and Folders" that allows to Drag & Drop files and folders. While it can be convenient, it can be source of accidental file or folder shifts. There can be examples of folders (e.g., because they were close in favorites) silently moved into distant folder without user noticing it and then it can be very hard to find who moved file, where or when it was moved. Please add option(s) (below listed by preference how to risk mitigate) to: 1) add confirmation dialog for drag and drop (it exists in WinSCP and aimed to minimize similar incidents) 2) turn off drag and drop functionality
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
07:22 AM
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07:22 AM

I miss the possibillity to build a general table that can be tweaked by the report user. There are no problems filtering in a table but i dont find any good way to add or remove varibles from a table. One user might want to have it grouped by gender, another by location and a third by gender and location. Same with measures, someone might just want to see the sales while another want sales and cost. My thinking is something like an object, where i as a report builder, associate the potential variables to the object but it is up to the user of the report to decide which to use and in what order. More or less like a Pivot table in Excel.
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Business Intelligence
New Suggestion
Submitted on
10:31 AM
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10:31 AM

I became a big fan od SAS Studio recently. But there is still one feature in SAS EG that is still winning me over, but I wish this would also be available is SAS Studio: Auto-completion for variable! While auto-completion for libraries, dataset and SAS sytnax in gerneral just works as fine in SAS Studio as in SAS EG, I don't understand why the auto-completion is not available for data fields/variables from a dataset (as it is in SAS EG)?
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
09:40 AM
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09:40 AM

Is it forseen to work with SAS notebooks in SAS Studio (just like Jupyter Notebooks) via a web bowser?
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
11:40 AM
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11:40 AM

I know this has been suggested before, but the issue was closed. ( We are about to publish reports for a big number of users with low computer experience. Using VA is a very small part of their daily job. To educate them all on how to avoid unintended zooming in graph objects, is not a feasible task.
A possibility to deactivate mouse wheel zoom would be a great increase in usability for our VA reports, and massively reduce our support burden.
I really hope you can consider implementing this soon. Thanks in advance.
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
11:05 AM
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11:05 AM

Our users are often not very impressed with the reports me and my colleagues make for them. The reason is that they only see the first tab of the report. The tabs are so subtile that the users don't even see them. It's also hard to see which tab is selected.
Please make it possible to style the tabs so that we can make them "pop" more.
Picture to show what I mean:
Picture of "invisible" tabs in a VA report
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
10:10 AM
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10:10 AM

Is it possible to atomatically save sas code while working in SAS Studion from the web browser?
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
09:29 PM
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09:29 PM

I have a bunch of SAS files in a directory, that I'm running using sas-viya at the command-line with. Here's the command line I use: sas-viya batch jobs submit-pgm --context default --wait-results --pgm I have two product suggestions that would reduce some friction: First, I end up with a bunch of JOB folders with undistinguished names. For example here are three in the folder right now: JOB_20240510_011340_087_1 JOB_20240514_201600_284_1 JOB_20240514_202431_319_1 Without going inside of them... which of those was used to run, which was used to run, and which was something else? I would like to be able to provide a parameter to sas-viya that adds something after the JOB_ , and a way to default to having the name of the SAS program there. I would like something like "--results-dir-prefix" that would create this: JOB_basic_digits_20240510_011340_087_1 I *could* create one "output_{}" folder for each file and use "output_basic_digits" with --dir flag, but I wish for something where I don't have to modify the command line in two places for each job with different filenames [high susceptibility to human error]. You could also use the job name from --job-name, but that still suffers the "two command line edits" problem. Second, "--context default" shouldn't be necessary. If one doesn't provide the context, it should use the default. Thank you, Gary
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Suggestion Under Review
Submitted on
01:46 PM
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01:46 PM

Prometheus currently only tracks active jobs, with no visibility into completed ones. Once jobs finish, their status information from the Workload Orchestrator is not available to prometheus, limiting post-completion monitoring and analysis. It would be beneficial to externalize this data to Prometheus for better job status tracking.
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For data export in SAS VA (SAS Viya also?) only data type Excel, Delimeters Tab and Comma are possible. Please add option to use different compound delimeter like ';' or '##', etc.
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Business Intelligence
Suggestion Closed
Submitted on
11:24 AM
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11:24 AM

Data Driven Content objects are not only used for visualizing data. They are also the key to innovative ways to select/subset what data to display in the report. (For example the TreeSelector). Therefore it would be very useful if DDC objects could be used exactly as Control object, including being put in the reports controls area and the page controls area of the report.
Implementing this would really be a game changer for us.
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Suggestion Closed
Submitted on
04:27 PM
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04:27 PM

HPSplit is in Base SAS/STAT as a standard offering. Random forests are a staple of predictive modeling. Move HP Forest out of SAS Enterprise Miner and put it in the SAS/STAT product. Random forests are 20 years old now, it is nowhere near a novel technique.
There are other packages that need moving over but this one is a no-brainer, at least to me.
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
12:03 PM
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12:03 PM

Request: Please can SAS include the option to calculate test statistics for the unadjusted and stratified MN method. Background: Miettinen-Nurminen (MN) methods are increasingly being requested by regulatory agencies. This is particularly relevant for non-inferiority trials where it's appropriate for the variance to be estimated under the null hypothesis. Within the PROC FREQ procedure, it's currently possible to calculate the treatment differences (and CIs) for both the unadjusted MN and the stratified MN methods as well as other MN tests such as the Summary Score method (also referred to as Agresti Score). However, whilst for the Summary Score method SAS allows the option to calculate the test statistics this is not yet available for the unadjusted MN method or the stratified MN method. These methods are important as they estimate variance under the null hypothesis, specifically the test statistics are of particular useful for: testing superiority and presenting a p-value studies with interim analyses, particularly when multiplicity is controlled via a group sequential design i.e. with alpha boundaries less than the typical 1-sided 2.5%/2-sided 5% alpha Example SAS code (for reference): Note: data not supplied due to proprietary nature, however code shared to illustrate current options/limitations. The unadjusted MN treatment difference can be calculated using: proc freq data=DATA;
tables TRT*AVAL / riskdiff(CL=(MN) noninferiority margin=0.1);
run; Note: whilst the (unadjusted) Wald test statistics are calculated, it would be helpful if the unadjusted MN test statistics could also be provided. The stratified MN Score treatment difference can be calculated using: proc freq data=DATA;
tables STRATA*TRT*AVAL / riskdiff(CL=(MN) noninferiority margin=0.1) COMMONRISKDIFF(CL=(MN score) test=(score));
run; Note: whilst the (adjusted) Summary Score (also referred to as Agresti Score) test statistics are calculated, it would be helpful if the stratified MN test statistics could also be provided. Specifically, if MN could also be an option within COMMONRISKDIFF(TEST=( ))
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Suggestion Closed
Submitted on
02:06 PM
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02:06 PM

I have two ideas for SAS Visual Analytics "Distribute reports" feature. Ability to change the font (or any images) in the email that is sent with the distribution, and Ability to copy a list of recipient emails especially the feature will be useful if it is a large list of emails Thanks
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
09:38 AM
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09:38 AM

Partial least squares logistic regression is a good method of dealing with collinearity in logistic regression. Currently, it is not supported by SAS, so I think it necessary to include it in SAS/STAT.
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New Suggestion
Submitted on
11:11 AM
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11:11 AM

Hi! Proc Means and Proc Univariate at present lack fast and accurate methods for calculation of quantile, means and standard deviation for large sets of data. In the paper "Fast and Accurate calculation... " by Anders Sköllermo I point at a possible method.
Suggestion: Look at this method. Develop it further to be a general method and implement it in the SAS procedures.
Future: I think that this method can also been very good when using several computers or parallel computers or computer networks and also on streaming data. However the method has not at al been tested for this. (The environment I had was SAS on demand for Academics).
/Br Anders Sköllermo
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Suggestion Closed
Submitted on
02:33 PM
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02:33 PM

The SAS EG editor, where I spend most of my day, could be much improved. I'd like to make the following suggestions to make my work easier and more efficient: When opening a file in SAS EG, it doesn't use a standard Windows file open dialog box. Instead, you must first select from Recent, My Computer, Servers, etc. If you select My Computer or Servers, you then need to select the folder. It should just open to the last accessed folder with one click. Making all of these selections every time is annoying and unproductive. Because it does not use a standard Windows file dialog, the folder of the file you are editing is not displayed, but it should be. Since you have the ability to open local or remote files, it would be very helpful if you had a window similar to WinSCP, enabling easy file transfer between your local machine and a server. In the log window, clicking on Errors, Warnings, or Notes does not correctly subset the list below to display Errors, Warnings, or Notes. Block copy (Alt + left mouse button + drag) does not work correctly (as it does in Notepad++). You can't create a block past the end of a line - you need to insert spaces first, or you will have a jagged left edge to your selection. SAS should automatically insert spaces to match the width of the selection or the line above. You can't select a vertical line and begin inserting characters. If you want to insert a vertical block of text, you need to insert it one row at a time manually. This functionality is very easy in most editors and would save me a lot of time. When performing a replace in a selection of text, the replace dialog should stay open and the selection stay selected so that you can make another replacement without having to re-select the text. It would be nice if you could easily flag a row by clicking in the left margin, similar to what you can do in Notepad++, so that you can easily find that row again after scrolling up or down. It would be helpful to have a count of the number of rows selected at the bottom of the screen, like in Excel, so that you can easily count code lists and the like.
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As I understand the situation, a "spike and slab" prior in PROC MCMC cannot now be specified because this distribution requires a combination of a DGENERAL and GENERAL distribution. [Regarding "spike and slab", see the reference:]
The "spike and slab" prior for a predictor X would support "variable selection" when using PROC MCMC.
To fully implement the approach given in the reference above, the functionality of the R package called BoomSpikeSlab would be needed. See
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Sample code, based on SAS Usage note 22883 data a;
do Rater1=1 to 2;
do Rater2=1 to 2;
input Wt @@;
0 3
0 3
proc freq data=a;
weight Wt / zeros;
tables Rater1*Rater2 / agree nocol norow nopercent plots=none;
run; This code generates a 2x2 table to estimate Cohen's Kappa with standard error and confidence interval. One of the margins has a sum of zero, but it is forced to fit a 2x2 table using the weight statement and zeros option. The results are that the estimated Kappa is zero, the standard error is zero and the Confidence Interval is (0 to 0). I've convinced myself that the standard error result is numerically correct, having checked the result using equations in the documentation and the cited reference. I think it is a special case for 2x2 tables, since the usage note above gives an example for 4x4 tables, and the resulting standard error is strictly positive. That said, an estimated statistic having no variability might not appear correct to a reader. I suggest that 1) PROC FREQ provides a warning/note in the log/output to draw attention to this anomaly. 2) Ideally, if there are suitable improved formulae that don't have this defect, could they be implemented as an alternative option? (I admit, I don't have a better suggestion in mind). Reference: Fleiss JL, Cohen J, Everitt B. (1969) Large sample standard errors of kappa and weighted kappa. Psychological Bulletin. 72 (5) 323-327.,
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