SAS Product Suggestions

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SAS Visual Investigator - Page Builder Interface - GRID - Column Editor

We suggest :

- Adding the option to declare numerical data type columns in GRID

- Making numeric filters accessible in GRID columns


When Grid is populated from a REST URL Response, numeric datatype fields end up being displayed as character data. Columns in Grid , therefore, lack filters that are specyfic for numeric datatypes (Is greater then, Is less than or equal etc.). In addition, since fields are not displayed as numeric, "Locale for regional formats and sorting" format changs do not apply to them.


Grid column configuration already allows declaring DateTime columns. We propose the option to configure numeric datatype as well.



1 Comment
SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Implemented

This issue was reported separately via a TS track and an update is planned for the 2025.04 release. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact SAS Technical Support. Thanks