SAS Product Suggestions

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A functionality which allows for a container or graph to be visible or hidden based on a value chosen in a control. This dynamic funtionality would simultaneously allow for sheet swapping. 

Super User

Controls where? This sounds very much like an implementation dependent problem and you need to describe the environment where this suggestion should be used.

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Closed

Thank you so much for submitting your feature request for SAS Visual Analytics! We appreciate your suggestion to show/hide visualizations based on the dynamic values. This is a great enhancement idea and we appreciate your commitment to improving our software for your needs and the needs of others. At this time our current development roadmap is focused on other features. However, your request is important to us, and we will consider it in a future version of Visual Analytics. Please continue to share your ideas - they play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Visual Analytics.