SAS Product Suggestions

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Visualisation tools such as Tableau, allow a drop down list that is multi select, and has a text search box within it. Can this be implemented for SAS VA. The current List Control in SAS VA is not design friendly on a dashboard, as it takes up too much space, and cannot be text searched. In Tableau, a dashboard could have 10 or more drop down lists in a small area of the dashboard, because they collapse, and are useful for finding an

SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Under Review

Hey @Actuality! Thank you for the suggestion! The most recent version of Visual Analytics does have text searching within multi-select list controls, but they cannot be collapsed unless you place them within a prompt container. A feature to make them collapsible is a great idea. I'll bring it to our UX team to look into.

Fluorite | Level 6

Hi @Stu_SAS - how do I find out what release of SAS Visual Analytics I have. All it tells me is release 8.5.2 on SAS Viya release V.03.05

SAS Employee

It looks like you found it 🙂 You are using Visual Analytics 8.5.2 on Viya 3.5. The version is found by opening the menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then selecting "About." You should see a pop-up window as shown below.



Text searching in list controls was added in 2020.1.1 .



@Actuality - In my version of VA, there's this menu icon in the top right containing the "About" option which reports the version:



Fluorite | Level 6

@Stu_SAS my list control doesn't seem to have text searching 

SAS Employee

@Actuality that is correct. Version 8.5.2 does not have list control text searching as it was added in a later version (2020.1.1). SAS switched to a monthly release cadence starting in 2020 and has named its versions based on that monthly cadence. You can, however, use a text input and use it to search for the text in a list control as a workaround. You can replicate most of the functionality using parameters. Check out my video on parameters to see how to do this at 3:07:


SAS Employee
Status changed to: Suggestion Closed

Thank you so much for submitting your feature request for SAS Visual Analytics! We appreciate your suggestion to be able to collapse the list control and recognize the value it could bring to our users. This is a great enhancement idea and we appreciate your commitment to improving our software for your needs and the needs of others. At this time our current development roadmap is focused on other features. However, your request is important to us, and we will consider it in a future version of Visual Analytics. Please continue to share your ideas - they play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Visual Analytics.